please hit me with your fave psych or 2020 memes and jokes

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Dec 4, 2014
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I'm betting I'm not the only one in this boat but I'm currently running on fumes and edging around burnout and if anyone feels inclined to share your favorite 2020 or psych memes or jokes, I'd be much obliged - it would be just the pick me up i need to get through the rest of the day/week. Also just any reminders that all the crazy **** that's sucking the fun out of the days is temporary. Nothing lasts forever, right? Except maybe pi...

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Lavender Scentsy is legit - Margaret from Psychology Today told me all about it and sold me a bottle. It cured her theray dog's anxiety and warts.

It does all of that! Is there anything essential oils cant do. I once heard of a family paying $600 dollars per month on essential oils for their kid's autism.
Two of my favorite (verbal) memes are:
  • Epstein didn't kill himself
  • Arrest the cops who shot Breonna