Pre-match dilemma: Long (w/full scholarship) vs. Baylor (no scholarship info yet)

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May 13, 2024
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I'm super grateful to be in this position. Obviously, there are a lot of factors to consider here. I am from San Antonio originally and would love to explore another city. Also, I felt better about Baylor's interview and they are a higher ranked school. That being said, full tuition is a lot. However, I could also hear back from Baylor post-match about scholarships (they have said that they hand out scholarships through May) so I just don't know if I will or not! What are your thoughts? I pre-matched at each of these schools and so ranking one above the other will be an automatic dismissal of the one that is ranked lower.

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I'm super grateful to be in this position. Obviously, there are a lot of factors to consider here. I am from San Antonio originally and would love to explore another city. Also, I felt better about Baylor's interview and they are a higher ranked school. That being said, full tuition is a lot. However, I could also hear back from Baylor post-match about scholarships (they have said that they hand out scholarships through May) so I just don't know if I will or not! What are your thoughts? I pre-matched at each of these schools and so ranking one above the other will be an automatic dismissal of the one that is ranked lower.
So, certain full tuition vs uncertain anything… is Baylor that much nicer than Long to you?
So, certain full tuition vs uncertain anything… is Baylor that much nicer than Long to you?
I guess there's more information I should share. I also was accepted to NYU. I would 80% go to Baylor with a full scholarship over NYU, and I would 40% choose Long with a full scholarship over NYU. So basically, I'm just wondering if I should risk it with Baylor and hope they send me some dollars. So as I type this out, it feels like it makes more sense to go with Baylor.
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Is $$ an issue or not?
You will pay more for rent in NYC than in the Texas locations, for sure, even if you are not paying tuition
Exactly. Money is definitely a concern. It's the primary thing keeping me back from fully committing to NYU, as rent there is bonkers and I am married and living in a studio apartment sounds miserable to my spouse and I. Hence why I would probably go to Baylor over NYU if I was offered a scholarship
Exactly. Money is definitely a concern. It's the primary thing keeping me back from fully committing to NYU, as rent there is bonkers and I am married and living in a studio apartment sounds miserable to my spouse and I. Hence why I would probably go to Baylor over NYU if I was offered a scholarship
It’s hard to tell you because none of us know if Baylor would give you a scholarship like Long did. At least we don’t know if you will get full tuition, which is life changing in my opinion. Do whatever you think you’d be happiest with. I’d def not choose NYU due to financial and logistical reasons.
It sounds like before the scholarship offer you were 100% Baylor, correct? Out of curiosity, is UTSW not in consideration for your rankings— would you have ranked them behind Long pre-scholarship? Given how they seem to like to hand out full tuition scholarships, is it unlikely that they would match NYU’s free tuition post-match, or are you just not that interested in going there?
I have a friend, this is just n=1, who is a current MS3 at Baylor who had an NYU A and Baylor matched the full-tuition offer post-match. This is late considering match lists were due already. Still, I think you have a good chance of convincing any Texas school to match NYU's full tuition scholarship considering NYU's caliber. And congrats on the NYU A, that's a crazy acceptance I'm in NYC right now and if I were you I'd go there in a heartbeat, but your situation with your spouse makes sense especially if you want to practice in Texas post-medical school.
So... where did you match?
Haha good question. I ended up choosing Baylor. I'm holding out hope that I can get a scholarship but not expecting anything. I spoke a lot with my sister who is an M4 at Long and a lot of the things I heard were a little discouraging so I passed up the offer. Really tough choice but I'm feeling good about it now!
I have a friend, this is just n=1, who is a current MS3 at Baylor who had an NYU A and Baylor matched the full-tuition offer post-match. This is late considering match lists were due already. Still, I think you have a good chance of convincing any Texas school to match NYU's full tuition scholarship considering NYU's caliber. And congrats on the NYU A, that's a crazy acceptance I'm in NYC right now and if I were you I'd go there in a heartbeat, but your situation with your spouse makes sense especially if you want to practice in Texas post-medical school.
This is what I'm thinking of trying, but they explicitly mentioned during the interview that they will not match scholarships so I don't think it would be appropriate.
This is what I'm thinking of trying, but they explicitly mentioned during the interview that they will not match scholarships so I don't think it would be appropriate.
Fair enough, but this is your future so it’s worth a try to write a respectful inquiry email and the worst they can say is no.

And congrats, I also just matched to Baylor so hope to see you there, but that NYU A is enticing, best of luck making the tough decision but it’s definitely a good problem to have!