qualify for PSLF

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7+ Year Member
Nov 16, 2014
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hi everyone,

Im currently in talks with a first job out of training. What exactly do I need to find out to know if I would qualify for PSLF? I know it needs to be under the 5013c tax code. I also know sometimes you are an employee of a third party rather than the hospital so make sure whoever is signing your checks is under that tax code. Any other potential loopholes/pitfalls I need to be aware of?

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From your end, you need to make sure your loans qualify and that you're in a qualifying repayment plan (IBR, PAYE, REPAYE, or standard). But from the employer side, it's really about who signs your checks and whether or not they meet the criteria for a qualifying employer. Good idea to ask who fills out the forms, as if they don't have a designated person, they probably don't have that many people trying for the program...