Question About Financial Aid Timeline

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Jun 21, 2024
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Hey everyone, I'm a Canadian (though I have a greencard) applicant who recently got into a DO school. I was told that it's recommended to apply for financial aid as soon as possible after acceptance, but I am still holding out for schools that I would prefer over this one. This is my first time navigating things like FAFSA and other loans, so I was hoping someone could give me some advice on when I should be applying/submitting documents for financial aid. Also, any resources on understanding financial aid options would be really useful as I've heard that FAFSA doesn't cover everything. Thanks!

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Check if your school is included on the FAFSA app. If it is, loans will cover CoA. Taking out private loans shouldn't be necessary, usually people who have multiple dependents or spend irresponsibly, or possibly need to fund several away rotations will take out private loans at that time.
Check if your school is included on the FAFSA app. If it is, loans will cover CoA. Taking out private loans shouldn't be necessary, usually people who have multiple dependents or spend irresponsibly, or possibly need to fund several away rotations will take out private loans at that time.
Thanks! It does take FAFSA, but should I file ASAP or wait until other schools get back to me and file if a more preferred school takes me in?
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Thanks! It does take FAFSA, but should I file ASAP or wait until other schools get back to me and file if a more preferred school takes me in?
The FAFSA application for the upcoming school year won't be open until December 2024, so you can wait until December.
The amount loaned will depend on the school you select and their figures for cost of attendance
The FAFSA application for the upcoming school year won't be open until December 2024, so you can wait until December.
The amount loaned will depend on the school you select and their figures for cost of attendance
Thank you!
are you able to practice in Canada after completing DO in the US and do you have to write exams in Canada to do so?
First off, huge congrats on getting into the DO school! That’s a big deal.I would say it’s a good move to look into financial aid now, too. When you get accepted, it’s best to tackle your FAFSA right away since some funding can run out quickly