Real Production Numbers for Ortho Owners?

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Full Member
Jul 14, 2024
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Hey SDN! I'm curious about what ortho practice owners are really making these days. I've seen some numbers floating around that mature owner-operated practices are hitting around $1.6-1.7M in production, with roughly 50% going to overhead. Does that match what you're seeing out there?

I'm especially interested in hearing about the startup phase since I know it can take time to build up a patient base. What did your numbers look like in those first couple of years? Any surprises or lessons learned along the way?

Would love to hear your thoughts on the current market and where you think things are headed. Feel free to drop your insights here or shoot me a DM if you'd rather keep the specifics private.

Thanks for any input you can share!

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50% overhead would be really good. Realistically, it is going to be much higher than that; plan for around 60% when it is an established practice.