Recommendation for lead glasses

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15+ Year Member
Jun 21, 2004
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Hey guys, wondering if anyone has experience with fit over lead glasses so I can wear my own prescription glasses. My eyes can be sensitive when switching Rx so I think fit over would be better but can be heavier.

Another option is getting Rx lead glasses.
Any specific model people preferred?


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Get the gray (extra wide) one, that can be worn over glasses. mayo did a study on these, and a couple other studies if you look online that despite it being only 0.07 mm Pb equivalent, protects your eyes better than traditional lead glasses due to the surface area it covers.

Do you own these? There is only so much information on the website. Curious about things like cost and how they fit - also if you can comfortably wear the extra-wide ones without glasses...
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I do own one, but not the extra wide one. There are some studies with these. They fit really well, very lightweight. Rubber stoppers that you can adjust for tight fit on your ears.

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Thanks for the response and for the sources! It's always good to have some research to back up the claims. I'm an incoming Ortho resident and was wanting to get some good quality and comfortable lead glasses. Do you have any idea about the cost?
Thanks for the response and for the sources! It's always good to have some research to back up the claims. I'm an incoming Ortho resident and was wanting to get some good quality and comfortable lead glasses. Do you have any idea about the cost?
About $250
They look nice. However, is 0.07mm Pb enough protection? I noted the more traditional lead glasses are 0.7mm Pb.
They look nice. However, is 0.07mm Pb enough protection? I noted the more traditional lead glasses are 0.7mm Pb.
According to the studies that were posted it protected better than traditional 0.7mm Pb glasses. So I guess the answer is yes...