I would weigh risks and benefits. Going from 12 mg total daily dose to 3 mg total daily dose is an absolutely massive improvement, and could really be life saving (for her or, for example, for the people she might have crashed into while driving basically intoxicated). I would re-assess:
- How has she done with the taper up to that point?
- Any signs of a substance use disorder, especially comorbid alcohol or other benzodiazepine use?
- How well-managed is her condition at this point?
- Are there any convincing side effects or adverse effects of treatment?
If she is doing very well on 3 mg with no signs of abusing it or other substances, and if she has been on it a long time, I might consider continuing that lower dose. More likely, I would revisit how we can improve management of her anxiety while still going down further on the Klonopin. Is she in psychotherapy? What about other medication for anxiety, could that be optimized?
I would also be willing to do very small reductions over very long periods of time. For example, decreasing by 0.25 mg each month, and extending that out to two months if she does not feel normalized by the end of the first month. That is not likely to be a major burden in terms of worsened symptom profile, but would allow for a very slow march down to zero.
In general though you deserve a pat on the back for what you've already accomplished! Getting an outpatient from 12 mg of Klonopin a day down to 3 is an amazing service to her, to her family and social network, and to the community that is far less at-risk from her almost certainly impaired behaviors (like driving if she is driving).