Religiously Affiliated DPT Schools

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Oct 9, 2016
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My name is Angela and I am currently applying to DPT schools. Many of my interested PT schools are either called certain religon school or affiliated to certain church. As much as I repect people with religions, I am myself not religious and I hope my study at my future DPT school does not involve pressure to attend religious meetings and courses.

Therefore, any insights to religiously affiliated schools, especially some of the schools I am interested in are appreciated!!!!!! Thanks in advance!

1. Marymount University
is a coeducational, four-year Catholic university that has its main campus located in Arlington, Virginia.
2. Chapman University is a private, non-profit university located in Orange, California, affiliated with the Christian Church.
3. Mary Baldwin University is the oldest institution of higher education for women in the nation affiliated with the Presbyterian Church.
4. Lynchburg College is a private college in Lynchburg, Virginia, USA, related by covenant to the Christian Church
5. Emory & Henry College, Affiliation United Methodist Church

Thanks! Have a great day!!

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My program is affiliated with a Catholic school. I am not Catholic and while I identify as Christian, I am not completely comfortable with any type of religious education. My program has set aside time for a couple of lectures where we get educated on the values of the school and some other religious background, but it has been minimal and I think it's intended more to educate us on how the university came into existence and its purpose. I think most schools would be similar since it's a professional program, and you have a specific curriculum and timeline to follow. If this is a concern for you, definitely reach out to the schools and ask.