Research at a local institution instead of my school

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I am currently interested in conducting clinical research in my field of interest, however my medical school does not have a department in that specialty. I am close enough to other medical schools (~ 20 minute drive) that do have those established departments and associated residency programs. My question is, how likely am I to be able to conduct research with faculty at those schools? Will they be open to mentoring a medical student that's not from their institution?

On a related note, do you believe that finding a research mentor will be more difficult due to COVID-19 preventing in-person interactions and meetings? I am not familiar with how PIs perceive bringing someone onto their project that they have never met before.

Thank you in advance!

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My school doesn't have great research opportunities in the fields I'm interested in. Been doing research with people from 2 other bigger name schools within the same city. Send out a lot of emails and you'll get something. If you look through your schools match data/hx (if you have that available), find people from your school that matched at residencies in the schools you're looking to do research with and email them. I've had more success contacting those ppl since you have some sort of connection to them.

- Residents = more likely to respond, but will give you more bs (albeit easier/low commitment) work that can lead to multiple Nth author pubs
- Attendings/Faculty = less likely to respond, but better chance of actually being a good mentor for you and giving you independent projects that might lead to first author pubs
- Residents = more likely to respond, but will give you more bs (albeit easier/low commitment) work that can lead to multiple Nth author pubs
- Attendings/Faculty = less likely to respond, but better chance of actually being a good mentor for you and giving you independent projects that might lead to first author pubs

Which type of research is more highly valued for residency application? Is it common to do both types of research (both 1st author with faculty and Nth author with residency) at the same time?
Which type of research is more highly valued for residency application? Is it common to do both types of research (both 1st author with faculty and Nth author with residency) at the same time?

1st author pub will always look better. But it'll also be more work/time, so it's more a matter of figuring out what you have time for and what opportunities come your way. Who you work with matters so much with regards to your productivity and how much you'll get out of it. I've known people with amazing mentors who've gotten 4 or 5 first author pubs by M3. Also known many people who've slaved away for an entire year and gotten nothing to show for it.

There has also been some debate over "how many Nth/middle author pubs = 1 first author pub", but nobody really knows. Your best bet is to try to get at least 1 first author pub along with some other Nth author ones to prove you can do both. You can do both at once, just gotta figure out your priorities and make sure you can balance it with school/boards prep.