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Dec 6, 2024
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You could go to the GME office and just ask if they have any ability to address the pay issue. That being said, I don't think late pay would be a reason to transfer programs. I'm the paranoid type so I'm usually of the mindset to keep out of Sauron's eye during residency given the general lack of protection for residents during that time. I'd probably recommend just getting a physician loan from a bank which would no doubt be ecstatic to loan you any amount with no repayment expected during the remainder of your residency. The alternate would be to find a job early and ask for a stipend as a sign on to be paid each month during residency which isn't too uncommon. I got a physician loan as part of a first home purchase during my internship which helped out with expenses during residency but definitely the ability to moonlight my last 2 years helped out the most. Good luck.
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