Retaking an organic chemistry class. Do I have to retake the lab too?

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7+ Year Member
May 4, 2016
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Hi guys,

So I am retaking an organic chemistry class that I received a C+ in. I took this class at my university that is on a quarter system. However, I registered to retake the organic chemistry course at an extension center that is on a semester system. Do I still have to retake the laboratory portion as well? My original grade incorporated both the lecture grade and the lab grade.

Thank you!

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If taking for DO grade replacement, the credit amount must be equal
That would be up to the school where you are taking the organic class. When I retook any science class they made be retake the lab too even though I had an A in the lab portion. It also depends on whether the lecture and lab grades are separated.
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Hi guys,

So I am retaking an organic chemistry class that I received a C+ in. I took this class at my university that is on a quarter system. However, I registered to retake the organic chemistry course at an extension center that is on a semester system. Do I still have to retake the laboratory portion as well? My original grade incorporated both the lecture grade and the lab grade.

Thank you!

Yes, to avoid any grade replacement issues.
If taking for DO grade replacement, the credit amount must be equal
That would be up to the school where you are taking the organic class. When I retook any science class they made be retake the lab too even though I had an A in the lab portion. It also depends on whether the lecture and lab grades are separated.

Yes, to avoid any grade replacement issues.

Great, thank you. I'll retake it with the lab 🙂 (although I wish I didn't have to haha)
I will add that when I took organic there was no lab attached with it. I took Organic Lab as a completely separate 3 credit course.

I re-checked the number of units that the organic chemistry class I signed up for is and it is a 3 unit class with a separate 2 unit lab section. So, unfortunately, it does look like I have to retake the lab section as well.