Retaking good CBSE score for better score

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7+ Year Member
Apr 29, 2016
Reaction score
I got a 75-80 EPC first time I took the exam. I know its competitive, but honestly as this year winds down Im finding myself with a lot of free time, and I know I left some points on the table. Wondering if a retake would be worth it just to try.

Wondering if anyone has done something similar, and how it went for them. I'm hoping I can take studying a bit easier this time, just do a 2nd pass of Uworld and do the NBMEs again, might that be enough to hit the 80s? If someone had success doing something similar, please let me know. If the difference to break 80s is going to be 4 more months of nonstop day and night studying like the first time though, I dont know if its worth the anguish lol.

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I got a 78 EPC first time I took the exam. I know its competitive, but honestly as this year winds down Im finding myself with a lot of free time, and I know I left some points on the table. Wondering if a retake would be worth it just to try.

Wondering if anyone has done something similar, and how it went for them. I'm hoping I can take studying a bit easier this time, just do a 2nd pass of Uworld and do the NBMEs again, might that be enough to hit the 80s? If someone had success doing something similar, please let me know. If the difference to break 80s is going to be 4 more months of nonstop day and night studying like the first time though, I dont know if its worth the anguish lol.

Only retake if it want a really competitive 6 year
Don’t retake. Do research or something else that will boost your CV. Or work a part-time job and make a little fun money that you can enjoy yourself or spend to go on more externships
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I got a 78 EPC first time I took the exam. I know its competitive, but honestly as this year winds down Im finding myself with a lot of free time, and I know I left some points on the table. Wondering if a retake would be worth it just to try.

Wondering if anyone has done something similar, and how it went for them. I'm hoping I can take studying a bit easier this time, just do a 2nd pass of Uworld and do the NBMEs again, might that be enough to hit the 80s? If someone had success doing something similar, please let me know. If the difference to break 80s is going to be 4 more months of nonstop day and night studying like the first time though, I dont know if its worth the anguish lol.
If you have the time and motivation and you deeply believe you can do better on the exam - then retake it.

Academics is the most important thing on the application. It is the only objective measure of an applicants strength.

Everything else is distant and secondary.
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Total waste of time to retake. Your time would be better spent picking up a new hobby and telling people about that lol.
I got a 78 EPC first time I took the exam. I know its competitive, but honestly as this year winds down Im finding myself with a lot of free time, and I know I left some points on the table. Wondering if a retake would be worth it just to try.

Wondering if anyone has done something similar, and how it went for them. I'm hoping I can take studying a bit easier this time, just do a 2nd pass of Uworld and do the NBMEs again, might that be enough to hit the 80s? If someone had success doing something similar, please let me know. If the difference to break 80s is going to be 4 more months of nonstop day and night studying like the first time though, I dont know if its worth the anguish lol.
You should try again if you're expecting to get a significantly higher score (like late 80's), comes at no cost to the rest of your application and you're perhaps a little nutty.