RWJMS vs UMass vs Wake Forest

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Apr 27, 2024
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I’m an NJ resident who wants to wind up practicing in Boston. Please help me figure out which school to go to/share your thoughts on each. I haven’t been accepted to UMass but I did interview and loved the school. I was accepted to RWJMS and Wake, both of which I also really love 😣 The cultures at all three were amazing and it seemed like the students loved it there.

All of the schools are P/F, and I have family near each school. Are there any significant differences in match results or ranking for any of these schools?

(side note: I was also accepted to NJMS and loved it and the location but the fact that preclinical is not p/f really pushed me away)

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You will maximize your chances for matching to Boston for residency if you are able to go to UMass (it's also a great school!)
I’m an NJ resident who wants to wind up practicing in Boston. Please help me figure out which school to go to/share your thoughts on each. I haven’t been accepted to UMass but I did interview and loved the school. I was accepted to RWJMS and Wake, both of which I also really love 😣 The cultures at all three were amazing and it seemed like the students loved it there.

All of the schools are P/F, and I have family near each school. Are there any significant differences in match results or ranking for any of these schools?

(side note: I was also accepted to NJMS and loved it and the location but the fact that preclinical is not p/f really pushed me away)
is non p/f preclinical that bad?? my friends at the school have said its not