If I'm reviewing your app, a few years from now, I'd want to see your narrative built up so that I have this reaction:
"Jeez, why am I reviewing a sub-3.0 app, ok fine, it's an instate kid, alright, let's see recent work - oh good, there we go. Biochem, micro, ethics, epi, all strong, did he/she get any letters from those profs - ok there we go...'this student showed exceptional <whatever> yada yada'. MCAT is...ok that's around <nicely above average>th percentile, good, OK so let's give this a good go-over. Any red flags? Everything strong? Not missing any basics? Something reasonably impressive in the ECs? OK another look over the coursework, a bit more in depth, yikes those are some rough early years, ok now we're seeing some strength, keeps going, harder science coursework, still strong. Alright. Oh, did <reputable SMP>, that's good, is there a letter...okay that's stable. Now let's see that essay, is this kid and/or his/her support system able to produce writing better than a can of paint? Well ok, that's digestible and ties things together and I don't feel assaulted by adjective bloat. <Sits back, pulls glasses off, rubs eyes> for crying out loud we have how many apps this year? 8400? And we're interviewing how many? This app is risky paper compared to the last 4 I sent to interview, so do I have a case to make for putting this kid through. Hmm. Yeah, there's maturity, there's persistence, I'm feeling a bit more interested in talking to this kid in person than the last 4, and just like every interview we're going to see very quickly if this is about the kid or about the kid's parents. So how do I feel about this kid vs. the other nontrads, the former Navy pilot and the Olympic rower who was a Sudanese lost boy, well, we have to see how those folks hold up in an interview too, and if they hold up well they're going to hold up well at their other schools, vs. this kid who is below that threshold. So does this kid add depth to our interview pool? Do I want this kid more than the last 4 3.8/514's who have never done their own laundry and will almost certainly get accepted at the name up the street that their parents will prefer? I do. Fine. Interview. Next."
Let me emphasize how the above is prioritized to find the most likely rejection points and to efficiently get through a large pile of apps where there's no downside to missing a borderline applicant because there are maybe 2500 borderline applicants at any low tier school in any given year.
When you think about your med school essay, do you have a hook? Is there a descriptor that I'm going to use for you, ie "the basketball one" or "the Peace Corps one, Cameroon or something" or a similarly unique and notable hook that shatters the cookie cutter? Yes? No? With your level of GPA damage, I suggest that you very much need to be some species of unicorn. A meaty paper about calcium channels. Prison health. RAM coordinator more than once with a letter from Himself. Lost 150 pounds. Sings with the MTC since age 15. Etc.
Hope that helps.
Best of luck to you.
RAM is Remote Area Medical
Himself is Stan Brock
MTC is Mormon Tabernacle Choir