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7+ Year Member
Nov 21, 2015
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Does anyone else have mental images of some of the users on SDN here, especially the adcoms? I have a pretty specific image of what Gyngyn, LizzyM, and especially Goro look like and I find it funny that my gut feeling is based on no actual evidence. I think I actually would be pretty disappointed if they didn't look like how I imagine them to. Sorry for the completely off topic post- this is the side effect of someone who is scheduled for the mcat in 5 days and is procrastinating 😛
Anyways to keep this post slightly on topic, what should I focus on the last few days before the mcat?

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Does anyone else have mental images of some of the users on SDN here, especially the adcoms? I have a pretty specific image of what Gyngyn, LizzyM, and especially Goro look like and I find it funny that my gut feeling is based on no actual evidence. I think I actually would be pretty disappointed if they didn't look like how I imagine them to. Sorry for the completely off topic post- this is the side effect of someone who is scheduled for the mcat in 5 days and is procrastinating 😛
Anyways to keep this post slightly on topic, what should I focus on the last few days before the mcat?

I imagine @Goro @Catalystik @Doctor-S being cat lovers and having a lot of photos of cats (including wild cats). @LizzyM actually being a geeky queen (not necessarily evil) who likes to read Wall Street Journal. @gyngyn having a fine taste in vegetables and recipes (on top of having excellent taste in fashion). @Med Ed being scholarly and loving data. @mimelim @SouthernSurgeon @Winged Scapula @ThoracicGuy being... helpful and (quite) blunt surgeons :prof:
I didn't want to give specifics in case I offend any of them but I guess I'll chime in anyways
I imagine Goro as a bigger guy with a tough love attitude who pretends not to have any feelings but has a special soft spot for his cat
Gyngyn I imagine to be tall and super thin (think Yzma from emperors new groove but less purple/gray)
Hope they don't hold this against me:whistle:
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I'm like 97% certain Goro is a bearded cat with wire framed glasses.
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I imagine @Goro @Catalyst @Doctor-S being cat lovers and having a lot of photos of cats (including wild cats). @LizzyM actually being a geeky queen (not necessarily evil) who likes to read Wall Street Journal. @gyngyn having a fine taste in vegetables and recipes (on top of having excellent taste in fashion). @Med Ed being scholarly and loving data. @mimelim @SouthernSurgeon @Winged Scapula @ThoracicGuy being... helpful and (quite) blunt surgeons :prof:
I envision @Lawper as someone who appreciates the outdoors and the beauty of nature.

The avatar for @gyngyn makes me wonder if gyngyn is an underwater diver or someone who enjoys the ocean.

When I see the avatar for @Goro, I wonder if Goro is a cat lover. The avatar suggests that an adorable black cat happily rules Goro's life.

When I see the avatar for @LizzyM, I wonder if LizzyM likes James Bond movies that have assertive, unique, and trendy characters in the leading female roles.

The avatar for @Catalystik seems to suggest that Catalystik loves cats and might own a gorgeous tabby cat, with a customized SDN baseball cat. You know ... the cutest-cat-in-the-hat on SDN.

Some of the avatars are downright scary, too. One such avatar shows a cute cat with a fierce Great White shark's razor-sharp jaw (instead of the cat's own feline mouth). Yikes!

Hmmm ... many of the user names are also interesting, eh? For instance, is @artist27 an art lover and/or artist?

Thank you.
LizzyM showed up in my dream the other night. She was walking down the hallway of my college and I spotted her. She had a similar resemblance to Tina Fey in the movie 'Admissions', where she is an admissions counselor at Princeton. I never found out what medschool LizzyM was an adcom at but she was so helpful! I proceeded to ask her questions, and she revealed all the medschool admissions secrets to me, although I don't remember any further details, as my dreams typically aren't very vivid.
As you can tell, med school is kinda on my mind... Praying for an II!
I imagine @Goro @Catalystik @Doctor-S being cat lovers and having a lot of photos of cats (including wild cats). @LizzyM actually being a geeky queen (not necessarily evil) who likes to read Wall Street Journal. @gyngyn having a fine taste in vegetables and recipes (on top of having excellent taste in fashion). @Med Ed being scholarly and loving data. @mimelim @SouthernSurgeon @Winged Scapula @ThoracicGuy being... helpful and (quite) blunt surgeons :prof:

Helpful and blunt. Not so much IRL at least more inadvertently blunt.

There are plenty of pictures of me floating around here and the interwebz so no need to wonder about that.

Sent from my iPhone using SDN mobile
I always felt like @LizzyM was judge Judy's medicine field clone.

@NotASerialKiller I can't even get a human like mental image of this guy. Everytime I see his posts I picture a stick figure.

@Goro I feel like he's just a average middle aged everyday joe. I don't get any cat vibes from him

@gyngyn I can never figure out their gender no many how many posts I see

@Mad Jack I feel like he's a mystery lover who was a pirate in a past life

@Lawper feel like he's a businessman who is only on this site just because and for the lols

@Crayola227 I feel like she's the pretty girl from her avatars who is an eccentric feminist

@The Knife & Gun Club feel like he's that type of kid who never got to explore any interests of his own because his dad has been molding him to follow in his footsteps since birth

*Hope I didn't offend anyone*
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I always felt like @LizzyM was judge Judy's medicine field clone.

@NotASerialKiller I can't even get a human like mental image of this guy. Everytime I see his posts I picture a stick figure.

@Goro I feel like he's just a average middle aged everyday joe. I don't get any cat vibes from him

@gyngyn I can never figure out their gender no many how many posts I see

@Mad Jack I feel like he's a mystery lover who was a pirate in a past life

@Lawper feel like he's a businessman who is only on this site just because and for the lols

@Crayola227 I feel like she's the pretty girl from her avatars who is an eccentric feminist

@The Knife & Gun Club feel like he's that type of kid who never got to explore any interests of his own because his dad has been molding him to follow in his footsteps since birth

*Hope I didn't offend anyone*

Lol, pretty much how I see them too, except I think gyngyn is a woman for some reason, and Goro has total cat vibes. He reminds me of my own mostly black cat.
I always felt like @LizzyM was judge Judy's medicine field clone.

@NotASerialKiller I can't even get a human like mental image of this guy. Everytime I see his posts I picture a stick figure.

@Goro I feel like he's just a average middle aged everyday joe. I don't get any cat vibes from him

@gyngyn I can never figure out their gender no many how many posts I see

@Mad Jack I feel like he's a mystery lover who was a pirate in a past life

@Lawper feel like he's a businessman who is only on this site just because and for the lols

@Crayola227 I feel like she's the pretty girl from her avatars who is an eccentric feminist

@The Knife & Gun Club feel like he's that type of kid who never got to explore any interests of his own because his dad has been molding him to follow in his footsteps since birth

*Hope I didn't offend anyone*
I imagine @Goro @Catalystik @Doctor-S being cat lovers and having a lot of photos of cats (including wild cats). @LizzyM actually being a geeky queen (not necessarily evil) who likes to read Wall Street Journal. @gyngyn having a fine taste in vegetables and recipes (on top of having excellent taste in fashion). @Med Ed being scholarly and loving data. @mimelim @SouthernSurgeon @Winged Scapula @ThoracicGuy being... helpful and (quite) blunt surgeons :prof:
IIRC there are three ppl here I have seen pics of, but I'll never tell which ones 😛
I tend to picture everyone as their avatars...which makes it odd with some of you

Pls give example :ninja:

I envision @Lawper as someone who appreciates the outdoors and the beauty of nature.

The avatar for @gyngyn makes me wonder if gyngyn is an underwater diver or someone who enjoys the ocean.

When I see the avatar for @Goro, I wonder if Goro is a cat lover. The avatar suggests that an adorable black cat happily rules Goro's life.

When I see the avatar for @LizzyM, I wonder if LizzyM likes James Bond movies that have assertive, unique, and trendy characters in the leading female roles.

The avatar for @Catalystik seems to suggest that Catalystik loves cats and might own a gorgeous tabby cat, with a customized SDN baseball cat. You know ... the cutest-cat-in-the-hat on SDN.

Some of the avatars are downright scary, too. One such avatar shows a cute cat with a fierce Great White shark's razor-sharp jaw (instead of the cat's own feline mouth). Yikes!

Hmmm ... many of the user names are also interesting, eh? For instance, is @artist27 an art lover and/or artist?

Thank you.

That's very creative! Nicely done :soexcited::soexcited:

Helpful and blunt. Not so much IRL at least more inadvertently blunt.

There are plenty of pictures of me floating around here and the interwebz so no need to wonder about that.

Sent from my iPhone using SDN mobile

You're famous!

@Lawper feel like he's a businessman who is only on this site just because and for the lols

.... that's actually pretty accurate :ninja:

IIRC there are three ppl here I have seen pics of, but I'll never tell which ones 😛


LOL. Jane Lynch did some singing/dancing TV ads one Christmas and someone said , "LizzyM is doing ads now?"

@The Knife & Gun Club feel like he's that type of kid who never got to explore any interests of his own because his dad has been molding him to follow in his footsteps since birth

*Hope I didn't offend anyone*

I can totally see how you'd think this given what I talk about on here...Nothing screams "tiger-surgeon-parent" quite like having Netters coloring books as a toddler.

In actuality though he died of hepatitis C when I was just a little kid. So my interests were more shaped by watching his disease progress than anything he actually did.
Btw @Monkey.King I picture you as the cartoon orangutan from Jungle Book lol

@GrapesofRath for some reason I picture you as George from Of Mice and Men

@Lawper is lawyer or a LARPer

@efle i always misread as "elfie"

@WedgeDawg is just one of those guys that never messes anything up and is consistently the golden child of SDN
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I'm 100% certain that LizzyM is actually Judge Judy, to the point where I actually hear the gavel fall when she comments in threads to shut people down.

Goro is totally in love with his cat. He can play total hardass with his kids and not buy anything they say, but that little black cat curls up and purrs and he's putty.
I think I heard somewhere that Lawper, efle, and grapes are all applying in the 17-18 cycle?
hey Lawper, since I have been on here for about a year now I always wondered are you a pre-med, or in med school already?
I think I heard somewhere that Lawper, efle, and grapes are all applying in the 17-18 cycle?
I know grapes is, I thought elfe was applying this cycle. No idea about Lawper haha
I am applying then too! maybe i'll run in to them:cigar: lol

I'll PM you guys to clarify the confusion 😀