Should I pre-write secondaries that only appeared once?

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Apr 9, 2024
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Hi all! I started compiling a list of secondaries I must write from 33 schools and noticed that about half of the prompts only appeared once. I'm debating whether I should pre-write those since there's a higher chance they will not appear again. My current plan is that I'm going to pre-write anything that has appeared in the last two years, and if I still have the time and energy afterwards, I will start working on those one-year prompts.

Would love to hear how others are going about this!

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Hi all! I started compiling a list of secondaries I must write from 33 schools and noticed that about half of the prompts only appeared once. I'm debating whether I should pre-write those since there's a higher chance they will not appear again. My current plan is that I'm going to pre-write anything that has appeared in the last two years, and if I still have the time and energy afterwards, I will start working on those one-year prompts.

Would love to hear how others are going about this!
That is the same thing that I am doing. If they have used the prompt 2+ years in a row, I pre-write the essay. If not, then I am just waiting to see if they throw a new prompt out.
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Depends how long the prompt is. I had no issue writing the individual pop up prompts when they came up but pre-wrote everything else. It was not too bad. I would save yourself some hassle and just be ready to knock them out when they pop up. Some schools LOVE changing things up. Also, it might help you slow down and perfect your writing instead of just pumping secondaries out.
Definitely pre-write the common stuff (mission, diversity, overcoming challenges/hardships, etc). But for the more unique prompts, I say don't stress too hard over getting them prewritten. A lot of those changed this year.