Should I submit my secondaries if my MCAT score did not come out yet

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Salem Dany

Full Member
Sep 19, 2023
Reaction score
My MCAT score would come on August 13. This is my second attempt and am wondering if it makes a difference if I submit the application within few days from now or wait until score comes back. and if score came back and was significant improvement, would it better my chances given that I would submit by August 13

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My MCAT score would come on August 13. This is my second attempt and am wondering if it makes a difference if I submit the application within few days from now or wait until score comes back. and if score came back and was significant improvement, would it better my chances given that I would submit by August 13
Wait until you have your score.
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One word: throwaway.

You are an AMCAS reapplicant. You should have gained some wisdom from applying last year in knowing how important it is to get verified and to understand the throwaway strategy.
@Goro if my MCAT score turns out to be competitive, are my chances to secure spot in top schools still high?
@Goro and would not the schools I chose on my list say that I took a month to submit my secondaries
Med schools are not like jealous dates, sitting there with a stopwatch waiting to see how fast you respond to their desire to go to the prom.
The reason I am asking because it is rolling admission and am afraid being late even with good application affects my chances
@LizzyM I have FAP and what score would you say is competitive
Compare the average of your MCAT scores and your GPA to the published GPA and MCAT for matriculants to your target school. Your MCAT and GPA should be equal to or higher than the average for that school. That's a liberal definition. The stricter definition would be to use "admitted applicants" in place of "matriculants".

Rolling admission doesn't mean exactly what you think it does. Two weeks doesn't make a huge difference as long as everything is submitted by Labor Day.

IF you have FAP, you still have a limited amount of funny money and you should use it wisely.
Compare the average of your MCAT scores and your GPA to the published GPA and MCAT for matriculants to your target school. Your MCAT and GPA should be equal to or higher than the average for that school. That's a liberal definition. The stricter definition would be to use "admitted applicants" in place of "matriculants".

Rolling admission doesn't mean exactly what you think it does. Two weeks doesn't make a huge difference as long as everything is submitted by Labor Day.

IF you have FAP, you still have a limited amount of funny money and you should use it wisely.
Thank you so much!
Yes I did and waiting for score. It will become available by Aug 13.