Signal list help

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New Member
Sep 4, 2024
Reaction score
Hello! I'm a MS4 at a mid-low tier MD school, just wanted to see if anyone had any advice for my signal list! I will be applying psychiatry.

stats: graded school so all As in preclinical years, all Honors in M3 rotations. 277 step 2.
long interest in psych, first gen student

EC: crisis text line volunteering, free clinic volunteering, board for a club for med education for URM students
research: 3 posters, 1 abstract, 2 publications submitted recently.

geo preference: South Atlantic (home region), Mid Atlantic, and East North Central.

1. Rush
2. UChicago
3. U Illinois Chicago
4. Loyola
5. UPenn
6. Temple
8. Emory
9. Carolinas Medical Center (away rotation)
10. GW? Georgetown? undecided

*goals: geography (really want to end up in a city! leaving a southern state/not planning to signal home program/any programs in my home state), work life balance without sacrificing learning, and moonlighting opportunities!

*concerns: no huge ties to Chicago/Colorado/DC, signaling too many desirable programs that get a large chunk of signals? (esp considering lack of signal to home program/home state programs)

if anyone has any thoughts or recommendations I would greatly appreciate it! 🙂

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