So I'm scheduled to take the exam on Thursday, but with all my NBMEs being in the 180s/190s and having scored 200 on UWSA1 yesterday, I feel like I will inevitably need to push back my exam. Granted while I was taking UWSA1 I began to panic and couldn't even read the questions properly/missed important details in the stem, which is even more reason to believe that i'm just not in the right head space to take the real thing. It's frustrating because my uworld average started to go up and i got to a point where i was scoring in the 80s and 90s on new blocks of random and finished the bank with a 61% average. I had hopes and dreams of scoring above a 230, but i'm an average/below average US IMG student, always just passed my exams. However, I don't want just a passing Step 1 score, I want to be able to match in either OB/GYN or IM or maybe something else. If anyone has advice as to what I should do these next 2 weeks, or a similar experience/success stories, please share.