STEP 1 retake

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New Member
Jun 17, 2024
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I'm looking for advice. I failed step 1 and was absolutely devastated because I felt adequately prepared. My practice test scores were really good as well as my uworld average. For those of you that were in my situation that retook and pass what did you do differently for your second dedicated study period. I'm so frustrated at this point I don't really know what else to do.

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If your scores were good, maybe you should talk to a psychiatrist/therapist about test anxiety? I took a beta blocker during my exam.

What do you mean by "good?"
I'm in the same boat as OP. Took extra time to study, had great CBSSA scores in the 60's, plus free 120 in the 70s. My T40 US MD step advisor told me i was ready, but I was 1-2% below LP. Not sure what to change, there are lots of posts with lower NBME scores that passed. FML