Stuff to put in small grants

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Mar 28, 2007
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Heya folks. I'm writing a small grant ($15k). I'm at about 10 grand right now but just can't think of anything else to put in there... I have:
-nice new lab computer (1200)
-participant compensation (6000)
-travel to 2011 APA to present (1000)
-spss license (200)
-RA stipend (1000)
-basic office supplies for the project (300)

I really need to fill this out. I can't pay myself for complex reasons (basically I'm currently at my max. funding). What have other folks put in grants like this? Appreciate any feedback :)


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-How about participant recruitment money? In some cities they charge you for Craigslist ads or run a radio ad.

-Pick up a consultant.
I would increase your travel budget - airfare + conference registration + per diem (food, taxis, etc) costs are likely to be greater than $1K.

Also, do you have to purchase any copyrighted assessments?

What about other lab equipment like digital voice recorders, video equipment, etc?

Do you need to purchase any statistical texts to aid in data analysis? Those suckers are expensive!
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Heya folks. I'm writing a small grant ($15k). I'm at about 10 grand right now but just can't think of anything else to put in there... I have:
-nice new lab computer (1200)
-participant compensation (6000)
-travel to 2011 APA to present (1000)
-spss license (200)
-RA stipend (1000)
-basic office supplies for the project (300)

I really need to fill this out. I can't pay myself for complex reasons (basically I'm currently at my max. funding). What have other folks put in grants like this? Appreciate any feedback :)


Decrease cost of computer and put it elsewhere, you can get a really great comp for far less than 700, plus what about a comp for your RA?
Advertising is the big one that springs to mind. We do newspaper ads a lot, and they cost quite a bit.

Can always pay for consulting fees. I assume the "lab computer" is for experimental tasks and not an office computer? I guess you could write in an RA computer, but I'd assume the lab already has workstations for staff. Not sure who you are applying with, but I know in some cases you can't actually request equipment like that in the grant since it is expected to come from the institution via indirect costs.

You should be able to pad the office budget a bit more than $300. Hell, if you are doing paper surveys for a decent-sized project you could spend that much in ink alone.
More for RA help ($1000), office supplies ($300), and travel ($500). How about a stats consultant? ($500-$1000) It isn't that you can't do it yourself, but it'd give you more flexibility. Advertising ($1000), a printer ($200), and something else for $1000 will hit your $5k.
Thanks everyone; super helpful thus far.

The reason I'm hesistant to add more to travel is that I typically get enough awards to fully fund my trip/hotel/food. I'm a bit concerned about how it would look to claim $1500 for the conference when I have a dozen travel awards listed on my vita... But, printer, more money for my RA, more money for office supplies, advertising (which I did NOT think of at all--thank you), those are all great. I might just bump up the n to fill out the remainder after that. Unfortunately the project doesn't require a huge amount of physical equipment to run (so, no cameras, voice recorders, etc), and the ancilliary stuff I'd really like (e.g., a vertical keyboard to stave off my upcoming carpal tunnel) would look weird in a grant. A stats consultant would be good, but the format of the grant precludes my including a bio statement about the person I have in mind, so justifying the cost might be hard practically.

Any more ideas are very welcome!
You don't usually need to line item in great detail, so if you want the fancy keyboard, just increase the amount budgeted to "computer" and buy it when you get the dough. There are other things like external monitor (if you have a laptop), docking station, battery back-up, etc that you could also include under "computer" costs.

You'll also presumably need to pay for poster printing - add that cost in to your miscellaneous office budget.