Thank you card after second look?

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7+ Year Member
Jan 15, 2016
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Any suggestions?

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Wouldn't hurt. If I were you, I would communicate my interest and thanks one way or another, if email is their preference, then email otherwise a card. I'm leaning towards an email more so than card if you have already sent a card first time around.
FYI - was suggested this by few so asked here...ths all.
Any suggestions?

I guess this is understandable since we are all in this high pressure situation - but honestly the most important components by far were your interview performance, 2nd look performance, grades, USMLE scores, MSPE, letters. The thank you note pales in comparison - for me I just sent quick e-mails (no life stories)
I would not. One after the first was plenty. From what I have learned from residents I know......they already have you ranked and measured for the most part. There will be little movement after you interview. They put you in their good ok and bad piles and then go from there.

Just be happy if you get a spot.
Relax guys- I just asked because it was suggested by a resident. Maybe different program has different expectations. Who knows.