USMLE Took the Step 1 and I feel like I failed... Seeking Emotional Support.

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10+ Year Member
Jul 27, 2011
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Hey guys I recently took USMLE Step1 (it's been several days) ... and I felt I completely failed it.

I don't remember too much about the test itself, but it felt like a whirlwind and I wasn't 100% sure on 30-50% of the questions and I flagged 5-10 questions per block (questions I was <50% sure on). I certainly thought I would pass because of my practice tests, but now I'm doubting whether I actually passed... I sometimes get flashbacks based on random triggers in my life (i.e. I tripped over something and that made me remember a question from step about Lower extremity anatomy). Just the other day I caught myself doing a set of UWorld questions to prep myself in case I failed... (I felt silly and pretty neurotic...)

My practice test scores:
CBSE - 175 (8 wks out)
NBME 15 - 203 (5.5wk out)
NBME 17 - 223 (3.5 wks out)
UWSA Form 1 - 245 (2.5 wks out)
NBME 18 - 234 (2 wks out)
Uworld Form 2 - 239 (1 week before exam)
NBME 16 - 238 (3 days before exam)
Free 120 - 80% (3 days before exam)
Uworld 1st Pass - 66%, 2nd Pass - 85%
Kaplan 1st Pass - 78%

Is it common to have these kinds of emotions and uncertainty? Thinking of going on a multiday camping trip where I won't have access to any electronics or something... Sigh...

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Hey guys I recently took USMLE Step1 (it's been several days) ... and I felt I completely failed it.

I don't remember too much about the test itself, but it felt like a whirlwind and I wasn't 100% sure on 30-50% of the questions and I flagged 5-10 questions per block (questions I was <50% sure on). I certainly thought I would pass because of my practice tests, but now I'm doubting whether I actually passed... I sometimes get flashbacks based on random triggers in my life (i.e. I tripped over something and that made me remember a question from step about Lower extremity anatomy). Just the other day I caught myself doing a set of UWorld questions to prep myself in case I failed... (I felt silly and pretty neurotic...)

My practice test scores:
CBSE - 175 (8 wks out)
NBME 15 - 203 (5.5wk out)
NBME 17 - 223 (3.5 wks out)
UWSA Form 1 - 245 (2.5 wks out)
NBME 18 - 234 (2 wks out)
Uworld Form 2 - 239 (1 week before exam)
NBME 16 - 238 (3 days before exam)
Free 120 - 80% (3 days before exam)
Uworld 1st Pass - 66%, 2nd Pass - 85%
Kaplan 1st Pass - 78%

Is it common to have these kinds of emotions and uncertainty? Thinking of going on a multiday camping trip where I won't have access to any electronics or something... Sigh...

I took step a few days ago and feel very similar to what you described. My scores where similar to yours on both the free 120 (117), UWSA 1 and 2. Was your anxiety reflective of your score?
Hey guys I recently took USMLE Step1 (it's been several days) ... and I felt I completely failed it.

I don't remember too much about the test itself, but it felt like a whirlwind and I wasn't 100% sure on 30-50% of the questions and I flagged 5-10 questions per block (questions I was <50% sure on). I certainly thought I would pass because of my practice tests, but now I'm doubting whether I actually passed... I sometimes get flashbacks based on random triggers in my life (i.e. I tripped over something and that made me remember a question from step about Lower extremity anatomy). Just the other day I caught myself doing a set of UWorld questions to prep myself in case I failed... (I felt silly and pretty neurotic...)

My practice test scores:
CBSE - 175 (8 wks out)
NBME 15 - 203 (5.5wk out)
NBME 17 - 223 (3.5 wks out)
UWSA Form 1 - 245 (2.5 wks out)
NBME 18 - 234 (2 wks out)
Uworld Form 2 - 239 (1 week before exam)
NBME 16 - 238 (3 days before exam)
Free 120 - 80% (3 days before exam)
Uworld 1st Pass - 66%, 2nd Pass - 85%
Kaplan 1st Pass - 78%

Is it common to have these kinds of emotions and uncertainty? Thinking of going on a multiday camping trip where I won't have access to any electronics or something... Sigh...
Wow, what an awesome improvement in just the 8 weeks you had. I feel like you should get a 240 at least if I had to bet on it.

Do you mind talking a bit about your schedule during that 8 week period (time studied, what you did, breaks, etc)?
just took the step 1
uwsa 1 228 2 weeks prior
uwsa 2 224 1 week prior

feel like i failed, i know i missed some easy questions and im freaking out

i have no clue how i did... when is the earliest they release scores?