Tox from Prev/Occ Med?

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Oct 28, 2006
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How viable is this as a career route?

Edit: Or even from the pediatrics route? Seems like these applicants would be less competitive for fellowship and jobs given how much more money the EM side brings in when working clinically and the dominance of EM over the field in general...

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You can definitely do Medical Toxicology from Occ Med. Some fellowship programs specify OM, Emergency Med, or IM in their materials, but the ones I've contacted also consider those who've completed Prev. Med (which makes sense, as PM / OM are under the same specialty board, and Medical Toxicology and Informatics are both available fellowship tracks for PM grads).

PM Subspecialties:

- and Med Tox specifically:
How viable is this as a career route?

Edit: Or even from the pediatrics route? Seems like these applicants would be less competitive for fellowship and jobs given how much more money the EM side brings in when working clinically and the dominance of EM over the field in general...
Sorry about the delay... silly app didn't highlight the forum for me. Oi.

Yeah, EM somewhat dominates but as noted, Peds & OccMed are cosponsors of the board, so very much doable & encouraged.

Keep in mind, too, how fellowship training in tox will enhance the practice of an Occupational Physician and/or an Emergency Physician. My primary training in EM means I gravitate more towards inpatient/acute problems; whereas OM may be more focused on workplace/chronic problems. Jobs-wise, a tox-trained OM would be well-positioned to fill a niche in a group or an industrial/governmental setting.

Plus, it ultimately depends on how the fellowship is funded and how you are paid; some places fund fully out of GME & let you moonlight for extra cash (in which case one could do OM things in clinic); if funded by a department, gets a little stickier but most programs will have some mechanism to deal with it.

Again, sorry for the tardiness.