Trinity College Dublin Medicine Applicants

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Mar 8, 2017
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Hi there,
I am a Canadian university student who has applied through AB to med schools in Ireland. I've been reading through recent Atlantic Bridge and international threads on here but many people are talking about RCSI! I wanted to start a thread looking for people who also applied for Trinity College Dublin medicine for Sept 2017. I'm wondering if anyone has heard back about their application yet or has any updates.

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Okay, thank you for the reply! I'm really hoping for Trinity and I can't stop wondering about my application ! Good luck.
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Got a MCAT of 35 (translates to the new score of 517) and GPA of 3.5 with various attachments to hospitals and research. Any view on chances!
Got a MCAT of 35 (translates to the new score of 517) and GPA of 3.5 with various attachments to hospitals and research. Any view on chances!
Have you also applied to US MD/DO programs? I applied to AB programs years ago but decided to remain in the states for a wide variety of reasons.

edit - are you from the USA?
Hi there,
I am a Canadian university student who has applied through AB to med schools in Ireland. I've been reading through recent Atlantic Bridge and international threads on here but many people are talking about RCSI! I wanted to start a thread looking for people who also applied for Trinity College Dublin medicine for Sept 2017. I'm wondering if anyone has heard back about their application yet or has any updates.
I received an offer from Trinity a week ago, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to accept it! I haven't heard from anyone else getting an offer there on SDN. Have you heard anything yet? (I'm in NC, USA)
I received an offer from Trinity a week ago, and I'm pretty sure I'm going to accept it! I haven't heard from anyone else getting an offer there on SDN. Have you heard anything yet? (I'm in NC, USA)
Hey there, I also just heard last week from trinity - From Canada 🙂
Hey there, I also just heard last week from trinity - From Canada 🙂
I heard back from Trinity not too long ago with an acceptance. Anyone else get accepted to both Galway and Trinity? Not sure which one to go with. Anyone have any information about Trinity with matching residency rates back in Canada?
If you have accepted an offer from a university (payed the deposit etc.) do the other university's still send you an offer if you're eligible?
I heard back from Trinity not too long ago with an acceptance. Anyone else get accepted to both Galway and Trinity? Not sure which one to go with. Anyone have any information about Trinity with matching residency rates back in Canada?
I think both TCD and NUIG are great schools. I don't think either one will give you a strong advantage over the other when applying for residency to NA. Both are also 5 years, so at the end of the day it'll depend mostly on personal preference. Dublin is the capital so it's more touristy and more expensive than Galway, tuition is also 2000 euro/year more at Trinity (so 10k overall I suppose). If money isn't a factor, then pick based on where you'd rather spend the next 5 years!
If you have accepted an offer from a university (payed the deposit etc.) do the other university's still send you an offer if you're eligible?
you do still hear. I put down a deposit and accepted one school and recently heard back from another school.
Hey there, I also just heard last week from trinity - From Canada 🙂

Looking to meet and get in touch with other international students starting med at trinity this Sept!
I made a facebook page:
Trinity college dublin medicine class of 2022
I heard back from Trinity not too long ago with an acceptance. Anyone else get accepted to both Galway and Trinity? Not sure which one to go with. Anyone have any information about Trinity with matching residency rates back in Canada?
Mind if I ask your stats? I'm applying this round :O