TTUHSCEP GSBS Post Baccalaureate Certificate Program

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Apr 25, 2024
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Hey all! Looking to meet others who are applying to this program. Good luck!

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I've been looking for others who are applying to the masters program! It's going to be such a small class so it's hard to find people who have attended or who are applying this cycle!
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Have either of you heard back from them? Does anyone know anything about how their interview process is (if there's an interview)? And how soon after submitting application do we hear back?
Hey! I'm don't know much about the Master's program but I do know there is an interview process for Post-Bacc and I believe for Masters as well. I would look at other threads from previous years they are super helpful in terms of timing for interviews/acceptances!
Hey! I'm don't know much about the Master's program but I do know there is an interview process for Post-Bacc and I believe for Masters as well. I would look at other threads from previous years they are super helpful in terms of timing for interviews/acceptances!
Thank you! I read some and saw that the interviews were only 10 mins! Nobody gives an idea of what kind of questions they asked - I feel like that’s not enough time to get to know someone lol
Have y’all registered for classes yet or received enrollment instructions?
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