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New Member
Oct 22, 2021
Reaction score
Just got acceptance to UCF already had one from UF a few weeks ago


  • Higher ranked
  • True Pass/Fail
  • Rotations in jacksonville where I am intimately familiar with
  • Clg group thing seemed nice like a buikt in friendship
  • Route to gainseville is kind of more rural than i,d like but
  • Havent had a tour yet so I havent gotten to actually see the inside and people in person for myself.
  • couple of nice apartments but seem either fied with 18 year old undergrads or apartments look old

  • Newer buildings
  • Orlando
  • Superior financial aid
  • Good step scores
  • Good matching for residencies despite being newer
  • Visited and students seemed nice and laid back despite grading
  • Traditional ABCDF grading
  • Building reputation but less established as a medical school
  • Seems nice but parking and structure of the city does seem a little complicated
  • Rotations 3rd and 4th year have to travel to unknown places but maybe this would change in the future since they are starting their own thing?
Live an hour from Uf and two hours from UCF so still close to family either way. Financial aid vs Good residency/research options make it it suuuuper tough choice as I never dreamed I,d have to make this decision. Plan to ride around and apartment shop at both. Thoughts?
P.s. can somebody list good apartment suggestions for both?

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Would say that UF is by far the better choice unless you really hate Gainesville or get a huge scholarship to UCF. Also, I know that UCF is opening up their own teaching hospital but it's relatively small and the lack of home programs for certain specialties like plastic surgery make it really hard to match in those fields