UCI vs. University of Maryland SoM

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Dec 4, 2023
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Would love input from fellow applicants, adcom, students, etc. I want to match into a competitive specialty for residency. Thank you!

  • in state
  • close to community in the bay area
  • would save about 30k in total tuition money
  • Already know some providers I could conduct research with there.

  • didn't really feel an enthusiastic, academic vibe from the school
  • higher cost of living
  • match list is not public
  • lower rank than maryland

University of Maryland
  • close to parents
  • cheaper cost of living
  • fresh new start (I went to school in california)
  • great trauma center
  • higher rank than UCI

  • Baltimore doesn't feel as welcoming as OC
  • It's cold
  • 30k more expensive over the course of 4 years
  • 0 friends in area, closest community will be in new york

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I have a relative that just matched from UCI and they had an amazing match list with a lot of Stanfords, uclas, and in every specialty. But having a close support system is really important and the bay is kinda far.
""""higher ranking"""". There's no difference in reputation among these schools - at all.

Edit: I didn't realize you were seperating your friends from your family with the two locations - that makes this harder. Do you want to be close to your parents throughout med school? Do you have any other family in Cali? I would say that UCI is favored because you still have friends around and its cheaper.
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I have a relative that just matched from UCI and they had an amazing match list with a lot of Stanfords, uclas, and in every specialty. But having a close support system is really important and the bay is kinda far.
Thank you for this! I'll take data points whenever i can 😛
""""higher ranking"""". There's no difference in reputation among these schools - at all.

Edit: I didn't realize you were seperating your friends from your family with the two locations - that makes this harder. Do you want to be close to your parents throughout med school? Do you have any other family in Cali? I would say that UCI is favored because you still have friends around and its cheaper.
yeah you're right, it's just i've been thinking about med schools for so long i drank the med school ranking koolaid. I've just been building up maryland in my head and just got into UCI so need to figure that out
Do you want to do residency in CA? If you know you want to stay for residency, I would say UCI as all the UCs tend to match the grand majority of their students to CA residencies. The cost difference of 30K should be inconsequential in the grand scheme of things for a future doc. Go wherever you feel happier at that price tag. Based on the way you wrote your pros/cons I'm actually not sure UMD is more expensive considering the COA. Your support systems are almost equally as far at both schools.
Which school provides the better support system then? How is access to all student services: financial aid, learning/counseling, clinical support, IT? More specifically, what do you look for in a community (within your school and outside)? I don't know what your hobbies are, but which one provides satisfaction there (one you have or one you want to gain)?

Have you been to both campuses?