Unique circumstance/question

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Aug 7, 2017
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Long time lurker here,
During high school, I participated in a program designed for URM students that allowed me to earn an associates degree while still in high school. I worked full time to help support my family and also had tons of volunteering through the early college program. Can I include the employment history and/or non-clinical volunteering hours on my application?

Note: The first 2 years I spent half the day at my high school and half at my community college.
Last 2 years were spent all at the community college, full-time.

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Very relevant, particularly if these activities were within the last 7 years.

The college coursework must be included in your application so anyone looking at the dates of the work & activities will see that it corresponds to the same time you were taking college courses.
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Long time lurker here,
During high school, I participated in a program designed for URM students that allowed me to earn an associates degree while still in high school. I worked full time to help support my family and also had tons of volunteering through the early college program. Can I include the employment history and/or non-clinical volunteering hours on my application?

Note: The first 2 years I spent half the day at my high school and half at my community college.
Last 2 years were spent all at the community college, full-time.
Not only "can" you, but more importantly, you should include these activities. They are related to your "college years."
Decided to re-open this thread with a couple of relevant follow-up questions.

My initial question was if you could include the employment history and/or non-clinical volunteering hours on my application if you are enrolled in college courses while in high school.

I played varisty lacrosse during that time period and I continued to play lacrosse but not on at collegiate or club level, just casual pick-up games every other week as a hobby. Can I combine the varsity lacrosse with pick-up lacrosse as a “hobby” on my application, should they be separate, or should it not be included at all?

Should I combine all of my employment before 18 together or separately ? I had 4 jobs, two retail, one after school counselor, and a field maintenance job over a span of 2 years.
I'd put all lacrosse stuff under one entry. Work I'd say depends on the rest of your activities. If you don't have a ton of activities to put in you could lump the retail/maintenance into one entry and the after school counselor into another.