Very quick question regarding colligative properties

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10+ Year Member
Jul 30, 2009
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I don't exactly understand how Potassium Phosphate dissociates into 4 particles. Here is the question.

Which of the following would be expected to exhibit the highest change in colligative properties of a dilute solution, given equal concentrations of each.

A. Glucose--only solvates and doesn't dissociate so only one particle
B. Sodium Chloride--dissociates into two particles
C. Potassium Phosphate--???
D. Sillver(II) iodide--dissociates into 3 particles

Princ. Rev. says that it dissociates into 4 particles, how is that?
But would the van't hoff factor only be 3 because there are only three ions in letter C. 2 K's and 1 PO4 minus 2 charge.....

Thanks in advance.

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