Walgreens COVID-19 pharmacist positions with sign on bonus

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Sep 19, 2009
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For select markets/stores, Walgreens is hiring a 1-year commitment pharmacist with $5,000-$10,000 sign on bonus. Presumably to help staff to give COVID-19 vaccines and/or cover sites with vaccines.

sign on bonus but I wonder what’s the hourly rate🤔🤔

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I was wondering when this would pop up on here. I’ve heard it’s 42 an hour plus sign on. But who knows.

Up to $30,000!
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Up to $30,000!

Definitely in BUFU. It’s 0$ bonus in my area.
For select markets/stores, Walgreens is hiring a 1-year commitment pharmacist with $5,000-$10,000 sign on bonus. Presumably to help staff to give COVID-19 vaccines and/or cover sites with vaccines.

sign on bonus but I wonder what’s the hourly rate🤔🤔
What state and what’s hourly rate?
They are targeting retirees.For them this is a great job Hopefully the states will waive their pointless licensing laws to allow a travel market to develop like nurses..It is hard to justify the time and expense under normal reciprocity conditions but for pharmacists to do just immunizing it
makes no sense.That is how government agencies operate.Public safety?That is complete BS
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I am shocked if the only thing this job will be doing is giving vaccines, why don't they hire a nurse for $25 an hour? Is there something in the way the protocols are written that a RN couldn't do it offsite?
I am shocked if the only thing this job will be doing is giving vaccines, why don't they hire a nurse for $25 an hour? Is there something in the way the protocols are written that a RN couldn't do it offsite?
I dunno but nurses are in BIG demand now.Add a recruiter fee and it is more than a pharmacist. I dont know how much a temp agency makes.
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I dunno but nurses are in BIG demand now.Add a recruiter fee and it is more than a pharmacist. I dont know how much a temp agency makes.
thats true - the temp agencies make good money (I used to hire temp RPh's) I was more thinking of just hiring them directly instead of going through an agency, but maybe they figure they couldn't get enough
As someone who has been with Walgreens for almost 5 years now and has never received a single bonus or raise, I feel a bit cheated.
Wonder why more desperate new grads with $200k+ in loans are not signing up. Is it partly due to the student loan forbearance being extended though January 2021? Do they realize that it’s not worth risking their health and lives to do something that a nurse can do, at nurse level pay (despite having a doctorate)?
Lol not worth risking life.
they pay less than $55/hr and plus you have to drive a around to multiple facilities to give the vaccine. Is it worth doing so? NO. Remember you have to pay tax for that $5-10k bonus. NOT WORTH IT
Any pharmacist who would possibly consider doing this position is laughable. When all you do is vaccinate all day, you are no longer a pharmacist. With metrics imposed on pharmacists doing multiple tasks, I can only imagine the metrics when performing one task. The numbers will be unreal. Let's use some commonsense.
Don’t underestimate the power of no income and bills piling up.
Still would be foolish to risk your life. Also, some people hardly have any bills, live way below their means and have options not mentioned anywhere on these trifling blogs.
Why would anyone worry about metrics in this position. I certainly don't. I don't blatantly ignore what needs to be done but I could be easily discarded already. I don't have stock options or extra vacation time. I sleep pretty well at night.
Still would be foolish to risk your life. Also, some people hardly have any bills, live way below their means and have options not mentioned anywhere on these trifling blogs.
Agreed on other options and no bills. But again don’t underestimate the power of the loans all these new grads have. Talking to some of these people really boggles my mind on why one would take out any loans, let alone massive ones the way they are.
Any pharmacist who would possibly consider doing this position is laughable. When all you do is vaccinate all day, you are no longer a pharmacist. With metrics imposed on pharmacists doing multiple tasks, I can only imagine the metrics when performing one task. The numbers will be unreal. Let's use some commonsense.
how is it laughable? It's like you are talking about a med rec pharmacist. So a pharmacist who does med rec all day, then that person is no longer a pharmacist? I mean a job is a job, it's hard to find a job during this time. Someone needs to pay their loans/bills.
how is it laughable? It's like you are talking about a med rec pharmacist. So a pharmacist who does med rec all day, then that person is no longer a pharmacist? I mean a job is a job, it's hard to find a job during this time. Someone needs to pay their loans/bills.
Right. You become a one trick pony. The argument for it's a job and you have to pay bills, I would have thought that one out before getting a pharmacy degree. If you can't find work, switch fields it's what I would do. Once the general public can receive COVID 19, I will be administering it but it's only one of my many duties. Which means I will qualify for other jobs.
Friend of mine got floater position with option to do covid vaccine on side. Pay was dropped but 5K sign on bonus was offered.
i am curious if they actually offered her retail position. I have feeling they gonna move her and make her do covid vaccine and occasional shifts at store but we will see.
I am shocked if the only thing this job will be doing is giving vaccines, why don't they hire a nurse for $25 an hour? Is there something in the way the protocols are written that a RN couldn't do it offsite?
They are also asking to do covid testing And in Walgreens I think they do covid test in person as oppose to drive through covid test at cvs.
That’s so strange. Whatever happened to all those under employed pharmacy grads? I would think they’re the best candidates since they’re young and desperate for money.
Well, there are some who still aren’t applying. My friend who got offer, she was asked to do covid testing and vaccine ( if she wanted). She said they are willing to pay over time if she wants to do vaccine clinic on side. She was offered 5 K bonus. Her offer doesnt makes sense as I don’t think they are that desperate.
You can be both underemployed and a be a potential subpar employee. It's in an employer's self-interest to try to get someone who sticks around and can actually do the job, and maybe throwing a bonus with strings attached actually works?
I wonder what the reimbursement rate for these vaccines is. Anyone know? It sounds like the budget to do the clinics is very very flexible. I know it is good publicity but companies also like measurable rewards.
This was posted on 12/7. If you bought one Bitcoin that day for 19k, you'd be up 8.5k as of now without risking your life or doing any work.
This was posted on 12/7. If you bought one Bitcoin that day for 19k, you'd be up 8.5k as of now without risking your life or doing any work.
Worse, you would be risking your money. 😉
I wonder what the reimbursement rate for these vaccines is. Anyone know? It sounds like the budget to do the clinics is very very flexible. I know it is good publicity but companies also like measurable rewards.

I believe we only get paid for the adminstration fee which was like around $12.

I haven't kept up much on it since I wasn't planning on doing any clinics and I think we have awhile until it gets to stores but the billing goes through their insurance or the government.

Is the government paying for the adminstration fee? Someone else can confirm that.

I've seen a clinic estimating 700 shots with three pharmacists. If it's an 8 hour clinic, Walgreens would make somewhere around $7k if everything above holds true
Cvs is doing on site billing but while billing through prescription coverage is real time, it doesn't look like medical is. I could be wrong though. It takes too long right now and there is probably someone on back end who will look at these claims.

700 is a huge number even for 3 pharmacists doing 8 hours. 30 an hour with no breaks? Good luck with that. But you are right. They will make nice profit with those numbers. $1.50 per shot to pay newly hired rph... $10.50 to Walgreens.
Cvs is doing on site billing but while billing through prescription coverage is real time, it doesn't look like medical is. I could be wrong though. It takes too long right now and there is probably someone on back end who will look at these claims.

700 is a huge number even for 3 pharmacists doing 8 hours. 30 an hour with no breaks? Good luck with that. But you are right. They will make nice profit with those numbers. $1.50 per shot to pay newly hired rph... $10.50 to Walgreens.
1 every 2 minutes. Don't you need to monitor patient for 20 minutes. I'm glad CVS and WAGS don't run operating rooms.
1 every 2 minutes. Don't you need to monitor patient for 20 minutes. I'm glad CVS and WAGS don't run operating rooms.
They can sit in a big waiting room together, while the techs watch!
1 every 2 minutes. Don't you need to monitor patient for 20 minutes. I'm glad CVS and WAGS don't run operating rooms.
To play devil's advocate: how long do you expect to actually stand next to a patient monitoring them? 20 minutes per vaccination is obviously unrealistic.
Per ACIP it should be 15 minutes.

. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) also recommends that providers consider observing
the patient (with patient seated or lying down) for 15 minutes

The question I have is if a tech can give the vaccine and observe them then can they also give Epi? I'm kinda want to say yes since they can do CPR but I'm sure state specific but interesting idea for all the chains to cut cost and move risk and liability over to someone else.
They can sit in a big waiting room together, while the techs watch!
Anaphylaxis while rare does happen. It's frightening to think techs are being given this authority. Was working at a major chain when there was a frantic page for a pharmacist at the cash register. An individual had experienced a medical emergency. I walked up to address it which really the only intervention was to call 911. Probably 10 people including employees stood around and could have done the same. Cashiers are part of the pool that retailers get techs from.

Make techs pass a background check, go thru a 1 to 2 year program to weed out the insufficiently intelligent ones and ones with poor judgement and give them a license (accountability) then let's talk. I want to get vaccinated and you bet I won't take it from a pharmacy tech.
Per ACIP it should be 15 minutes.

. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) also recommends that providers consider observing
the patient (with patient seated or lying down) for 15 minutes
Right but not uninterrupted 1:1 observation. I refuse to believe that any of y'all physically stand/sit and watch your patients for 15 minutes after you give them a shot.
2 people in Alaska experienced anaphylactic-type reactions but they got their shots at a hospital. Imagine this happening at a clown chain pharmacy.

Nobody is watching every single second. There are 2 problems that I see. The first is the clinical side of making sure the patient isn't experiencing an problems. The second is the most important and that is ensuring the public that your pharmacy is doing everything possible to instill trust in an unknown vaccine. A company cannot afford to have a local or national incident (Wisconsin) break lose because they are pinching pennies. They have to look competent and in control or the later is they will damage their brand which in both WAGS and CVS case is abysmal according to shareholders.
I hear a lot of talk about risking your life. We wouldnt be risking our lives if they had vaccinated the retail pharms according to Group 1A priority. Especially considering these shots were bought and paid for by big corporations months ago. EVERYONE knew retail pharms would be vaccinating the public to stop what is certainly the worst global problem in recent times, however, we were forgotten. Most have not been vaccinated. That memory will haunt me forever. All the propaganda about how clinically valuable we are..saving lives by vaccinating...blah blah... apparently not valuable enough to allocate protective shots before we save humanity from covid. Doctor huh? lmao.
I hear a lot of talk about risking your life. We wouldnt be risking our lives if they had vaccinated the retail pharms according to Group 1A priority. Especially considering these shots were bought and paid for by big corporations months ago. EVERYONE knew retail pharms would be vaccinating the public to stop what is certainly the worst global problem in recent times, however, we were forgotten. Most have not been vaccinated. That memory will haunt me forever. All the propaganda about how clinically valuable we are..saving lives by vaccinating...blah blah... apparently not valuable enough to allocate protective shots before we save humanity from covid. Doctor huh? lmao.

Already vaccinated
Once more pharmacy chains are set up to provide shots at individual pharmacies, then one might expect retail peons (incl. pharmacy techs) to provide a significant chunk of these jabs. At that point chains should probably let immunizers get their shots first if they haven't already.

Expanding shots generally to all geezers at this point was not a good idea as there isn't enough availability anyway
Once more pharmacy chains are set up to provide shots at individual pharmacies, then one might expect retail peons (incl. pharmacy techs) to provide a significant chunk of these jabs. At that point chains should probably let immunizers get their shots first if they haven't already.

Expanding shots generally to all geezers at this point was not a good idea as there isn't enough availability anyway

I cant really say i like it that way, but thats the way its gonna be. and yeah governor knucklehead here in Florida ordered the health departments to ONLY vaccinate 65 and up. Even if you are a healthcare worker. Funny i was in Publix today grabbing a few things and i saw a woman getting her shot....so i asked, and they said to go online and make an appointment, then bring in my Fl state pharm license and bingo, ill get a shot. So publix pharmacy can give it to me , but the health department has excluded me? awesome strategy we got here....
Florida is just the most extreme example of a governor buckling to pressure to prioritize the AARP crowd at large despite not enough vaccine. Florida's over-65 population is almost 5 million. How many shots did they get? 2 million first doses? That doesn't seem so bad given no real central planning for rollout.

If you didn't get your shot right before everyone caved to CDC guidance to hit all > 65ers you prob out of luck w/o connections until your employer starts getting shots (for those who don't work for hospitals or other large health systems)

This **** is hotter than the Nintendo Switch circa 2017.

Can't really fault the OWS approach to having multiple vaccine modalities either. mRNA vaccines by design were always going to be faster to EUA.
I cant really say i like it that way, but thats the way its gonna be. and yeah governor knucklehead here in Florida ordered the health departments to ONLY vaccinate 65 and up. Even if you are a healthcare worker. Funny i was in Publix today grabbing a few things and i saw a woman getting her shot....so i asked, and they said to go online and make an appointment, then bring in my Fl state pharm license and bingo, ill get a shot. So publix pharmacy can give it to me , but the health department has excluded me? awesome strategy we got here....

Um that's what Walmart pharmacists have had the option of doing before letting the floodgates open. Safeway (part of the Albertsons umbrella of supermarket chains and collectively the 3rd largest grocer in the nation) has been doing shots for those willing to sign up lmao
Um that's what Walmart pharmacists have had the option of doing before letting the floodgates open. Safeway (part of the Albertsons umbrella of supermarket chains and collectively the 3rd largest grocer in the nation) has been doing shots for those willing to sign up lmao
yeah i got one through publix on saturday, so sad. Health department says no, publix says yes to healthcare providers.....
At this point it's still unclear whether Walmart shooters will be able to get shots from work en masse before mid-March/April.

Also the idea that Walmart will be able to recruit any good temp techs (at least in this area) is quite laughable (even just to support regular operations). Can't imagine how hard it would be in rural areas.