WAMC 2025-26 as a reapplicant

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Sep 6, 2022
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hello! just trying to figure out what my chances are this upcoming cycle as a reapplicant who received no interviews the first time. i have completely reevaluated my school list from the previous cycle and i think its much more realistic. additionally, im finishing a diy postbacc this spring which has significantly raised my gpa. i want to stay in the northeast but im trying to apply as broadly as possible so i wont be doing this a third time. any advice about my application is welcome as well!
Date of submission: first day apps open
predicted gpas as my post bacc is not yet complete, but it will be this or higher
Overall GPA: 3.6
Science GPA: 3.4
Bio-Chem-Physics GPA: not 100% sure
previously applied with these: cgpa 3.4 sgpa 3.1 bcp 2.98
DAT score (include AA and all sections): 20AA 19TS 19PAT 24RC 17QR
State of Residence: NY

Major: non-stem
Minor: biochemistry
Reapplicant? yes
Nontrad? no
Shadowing Experience:
250 hours in general and a few in ortho
Volunteering Experience: 150 hours from the previous cycle
Employment: 1500+ hours (2 years) assisting
various random jobs through college, not sure what to list as I don't want to look like a job hopper but also want to show i had to manage a lot thru school
Research: no
Other Extracurriculars: president and treasurer of the pre-dental club, treasurer of an environmental club
Have you volunteered/shadowed/attended events at any dental schools? no but i will be attending go dental this march
Relevant Honors or Awards: made deans list my last 4 semesters and during my postbacc, received a scholarship from my undergrad, received a scholarship from an outside source
LOR type and strength: 7 letters of recc in a joint committee letter 2 from science profs, 1 from a prof from my major 4 from dentists d like to think theyre strong
Misc Info/Things not stated elsewhere/Red Flags:
School list:

university of colorado
university of maryland
Buffalo (reapply)
Rutgers (reapply)
touro (reapply)
Detroit Mercy
ASDOH (family connections in AZ)
Midwestern AZ
Tufts (reapply)
Boston (reapply)
stonybrook (considering applying but id have to take calc just for this school so not sure if thats worth it with my stats)

any schools i should remove or add? is 14 a good number? last time i only applied to 11 so i tried to add more. im definitely more confident about my application this cycle, i’ve learned so much going thru the 23/24 cycle and during this past year but i'm just so nervous.

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You should be able to tell us your BCP GPA as it should have been verified in your previous application (you claim 2.9). This should not be a mystery unless you can't adjust for classes taken during your last cycle. It would help having your GPA trend (year by year).

Remind us about your volunteering/community service experience.

What advice have you received from your prehealth advisors?
You should be able to tell us your BCP GPA as it should have been verified in your previous application (you claim 2.9). This should not be a mystery unless you can't adjust for classes taken during your last cycle. It would help having your GPA trend (year by year).

Remind us about your volunteering/community service experience.

What advice have you received from your prehealth advisors?
im not sure how to calculate my new bcp gpa taking into account my post bacc classes. would it just be all classes with bio chem and physics prefixes? nothing else?
i did all my volunteering at a soup kitchen
the advice i received from them was to do the postbacc and then reapply. they were shocked i didn't get in the first time (im not sure why...) they didn't tell me anything about adjusting my school list but i think its clear i need to.
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im not sure how to calculate my new bcp gpa taking into account my post bacc classes. would it just be all classes with bio chem and physics prefixes? nothing else?
i did all my volunteering at a soup kitchen
the advice i received from them was to do the postbacc and then reapply. they were shocked i didn't get in the first time (im not sure why...) they didn't tell me anything about adjusting my school list but i think its
ok if this is the case i calculated it as 3.33 currently
the advice i received from them was to do the postbacc and then reapply. they were shocked i didn't get in the first time (im not sure why...) they didn't tell me anything about adjusting my school list but i think its clear i need to.
That's an odd way to give you advice: is it more like "we think you're a strong applicant, but take a postbac just in case..."? That's weird to hedge that way, but who knows. Hopefully their opinions on your school list aign with our thoughts.

In general, dental admissions tend to be regional. As a reapplicant, 14 feels a little much, but it's not like med school admissions where you have to write secondaries for each program (but check just in case). As a New York resident, you have some in-state options so 12-14 would be just enough to me.
hello! just trying to figure out what my chances are this upcoming cycle as a reapplicant who received no interviews the first time. i have completely reevaluated my school list from the previous cycle and i think its much more realistic. additionally, im finishing a diy postbacc this spring which has significantly raised my gpa. i want to stay in the northeast but im trying to apply as broadly as possible so i wont be doing this a third time. any advice about my application is welcome as well!
Date of submission: first day apps open
predicted gpas as my post bacc is not yet complete, but it will be this or higher
Overall GPA: 3.6
Science GPA: 3.4
Bio-Chem-Physics GPA: not 100% sure
previously applied with these: cgpa 3.4 sgpa 3.1 bcp 2.98
DAT score (include AA and all sections): 20AA 19TS 19PAT 24RC 17QR
State of Residence: NY

Major: non-stem
Minor: biochemistry
Reapplicant? yes
Nontrad? no
Shadowing Experience:
250 hours in general and a few in ortho
Volunteering Experience: 150 hours from the previous cycle
Employment: 1500+ hours (2 years) assisting
various random jobs through college, not sure what to list as I don't want to look like a job hopper but also want to show i had to manage a lot thru school
Research: no
Other Extracurriculars: president and treasurer of the pre-dental club, treasurer of an environmental club
Have you volunteered/shadowed/attended events at any dental schools? no but i will be attending go dental this march
Relevant Honors or Awards: made deans list my last 4 semesters and during my postbacc, received a scholarship from my undergrad, received a scholarship from an outside source
LOR type and strength: 7 letters of recc in a joint committee letter 2 from science profs, 1 from a prof from my major 4 from dentists d like to think theyre strong
Misc Info/Things not stated elsewhere/Red Flags:
School list:

university of colorado
university of maryland
Buffalo (reapply)
Rutgers (reapply)
touro (reapply)
Detroit Mercy
ASDOH (family connections in AZ)
Midwestern AZ
Tufts (reapply)
Boston (reapply)
stonybrook (considering applying but id have to take calc just for this school so not sure if thats worth it with my stats)

any schools i should remove or add? is 14 a good number? last time i only applied to 11 so i tried to add more. im definitely more confident about my application this cycle, i’ve learned so much going thru the 23/24 cycle and during this past year but i'm just so nervous.
why colorado?
That's an odd way to give you advice: is it more like "we think you're a strong applicant, but take a postbac just in case..."? That's weird to hedge that way, but who knows. Hopefully their opinions on your school list aign with our thoughts.

In general, dental admissions tend to be regional. As a reapplicant, 14 feels a little much, but it's not like med school admissions where you have to write secondaries for each program (but check just in case). As a New York resident, you have some in-state options so 12-14 would be just enough to me.
id rather apply too many rather than too little, i dont want to be doing this again. what are your thoughts on the schools i chose, do you think i have a chance at them, any i should remove?
id rather apply too many rather than too little, i dont want to be doing this again. what are your thoughts on the schools i chose, do you think i have a chance at them, any i should remove?

If you have the money to apply to all 60+ schools, I can't stop you from spending your own money. The lectures about how much debt you are willing to assume will come later.

I have given my thoughts about keeping your list regional and with a focus on mission fit as all dental schools rely on holistic review. We have seen our share of high-metrics admits drop out of dental school.

You have been involved in an executive role with your predental club, so what have you told each other is important about getting into dental school? What have recruiters told you and your peers? As a whole, we want to see you fully committed to being an excellent dentist who impacts your communities, so we want to see evidence of you working with and immersing yourself with the communities represented by each of their schools. We want to know you understand what the landscape of dental practice will be (more DSO's and likely fewer private practices, as an example).

As I suggested above, go over with me what makes you excited to attend each school, given the debt you will assume and the resources/opportunities each provides to get you to where you want to be when you graduate. What makes you excited to be a dental student as you are grinding away after hours in their sim labs? How do each program connect with alumni or local dentists to make sure you understand the business of dentistry? Why do you want a "high-tech" clinical experience vs. a "high touch" experience? What level of student support do you want in your learning culture?

We're flying blind to your AADSAS application and any subsequent follow-ups, so we don't know if you did a good job explaining significant moments or influences to your desire to become a dentist. It could be how you discuss these experiences as much as it could be a metrics or mission mismatch. As a NY resident, all your in-states should be in play (and sure SUNY wants calculus so I understand that decision). You can apply to all the large-enrollment schools like Boston U, Tufts, LECOM, etc. If you have family in Arizona, great especially if you grew up there and spoke Spanish (you haven't said).

What I said was that you cannot approach this like applying to college or medical school. You need to be surgical with your choices and make sure your list is optimal for mission fit. I haven't gotten that clear picture of mission/purpose yet from the original posts.

The GoDental fair should help you clarify advice on how to present your story and your value to a learning community. Once you have that, you can better select your school list.
If you have the money to apply to all 60+ schools, I can't stop you from spending your own money. The lectures about how much debt you are willing to assume will come later.

I have given my thoughts about keeping your list regional and with a focus on mission fit as all dental schools rely on holistic review. We have seen our share of high-metrics admits drop out of dental school.

You have been involved in an executive role with your predental club, so what have you told each other is important about getting into dental school? What have recruiters told you and your peers? As a whole, we want to see you fully committed to being an excellent dentist who impacts your communities, so we want to see evidence of you working with and immersing yourself with the communities represented by each of their schools. We want to know you understand what the landscape of dental practice will be (more DSO's and likely fewer private practices, as an example).

As I suggested above, go over with me what makes you excited to attend each school, given the debt you will assume and the resources/opportunities each provides to get you to where you want to be when you graduate. What makes you excited to be a dental student as you are grinding away after hours in their sim labs? How do each program connect with alumni or local dentists to make sure you understand the business of dentistry? Why do you want a "high-tech" clinical experience vs. a "high touch" experience? What level of student support do you want in your learning culture?

We're flying blind to your AADSAS application and any subsequent follow-ups, so we don't know if you did a good job explaining significant moments or influences to your desire to become a dentist. It could be how you discuss these experiences as much as it could be a metrics or mission mismatch. As a NY resident, all your in-states should be in play (and sure SUNY wants calculus so I understand that decision). You can apply to all the large-enrollment schools like Boston U, Tufts, LECOM, etc. If you have family in Arizona, great especially if you grew up there and spoke Spanish (you haven't said).

What I said was that you cannot approach this like applying to college or medical school. You need to be surgical with your choices and make sure your list is optimal for mission fit. I haven't gotten that clear picture of mission/purpose yet from the original posts.
ive received conflicting advice with keeping my list regional from this website and reddit. i was told my stats were not high enough to apply to schools just in the northeast and to apply broadly, but i applied to schools just in the northeast anyways my first cycle, didnt get interviews, and the feedback i received from admissions was my sgpa did not align with their stats. i understand your reasoning behind applying regionally, but i want to maximize my chances this cycle. also, i won't be going into debt to apply thankfully. i wouldn't consider applying to all 60+ schools or even more than 15 because i think its just a waste of money at that point, but i think anything less than 12 is too little for my stats as im not competitive. i didn't mean to come across as rude if i have i apologize, its just hard when people are constantly giving you conflicting advice im not sure who to listen to. i see the logic to both sides.
my ps heavily emphasizes how i saw the impact of limited access to dental care in underserved communities and as a doctor i want to advocate for those who do not have access to ensure they can have a healthy, beautiful smile. this is what motivates me
university of colorado - aligned with my stats
university of maryland - location is ok
VCU - location is ok
Buffalo (reapply) - dream school, instate, ps in line with their mission (serving the community)
Rutgers (reapply) - close to home state, lots of different residency programs so theres options
touro (reapply) - in state, heavy community involvement, heard they had a lot of exciting technology
UNE - location is ok, aligned with my stats
LECOM - aligned with my stats
Detroit Mercy - heavy community involvement ps in line with their mission (serving the community)
ASDOH (family connections in AZ) - heavy community involvement ps in line with their mission (serving the community)
Midwestern AZ - heavy community involvement
Tufts (reapply) - location is ok
Boston (reapply) - location is ok, teaches modern dentistry, heard faculty is nice, good student to professor ratio
stonybrook - have heard amazing things about the program, in state
some of the schools i added just bc they aligned with my stats. ive done research on their websites and havent really seen anything stick out that would deter me or make me super excited about them. im going to adea go dental so i am planning on talking to the schools i dont know much about in a few weeks to see if id be a good fit.
honestly no reason besides i thought i might have a chance there with my stats
that's not how it works
schools are more likely to invite someone for an interview and possibly accept someone from their area of the country that has mission fit to the program
"i thought i might have a chance there" is not mission fit...
ive received conflicting advice with keeping my list regional from this website and reddit. i was told my stats were not high enough to apply to schools just in the northeast and to apply broadly, but i applied to schools just in the northeast anyways my first cycle, didnt get interviews, and the feedback i received from admissions was my sgpa did not align with their stats. i understand your reasoning behind applying regionally, but i want to maximize my chances this cycle. also, i won't be going into debt to apply thankfully. i wouldn't consider applying to all 60+ schools or even more than 15 because i think its just a waste of money at that point, but i think anything less than 12 is too little for my stats as im not competitive. i didn't mean to come across as rude if i have i apologize, its just hard when people are constantly giving you conflicting advice im not sure who to listen to. i see the logic to both sides.
my ps heavily emphasizes how i saw the impact of limited access to dental care in underserved communities and as a doctor i want to advocate for those who do not have access to ensure they can have a healthy, beautiful smile. this is what motivates me
university of colorado - aligned with my stats
university of maryland - location is ok
VCU - location is ok
Buffalo (reapply) - dream school, instate, ps in line with their mission (serving the community)
Rutgers (reapply) - close to home state, lots of different residency programs so theres options
touro (reapply) - in state, heavy community involvement, heard they had a lot of exciting technology
UNE - location is ok, aligned with my stats
LECOM - aligned with my stats
Detroit Mercy - heavy community involvement ps in line with their mission (serving the community)
ASDOH (family connections in AZ) - heavy community involvement ps in line with their mission (serving the community)
Midwestern AZ - heavy community involvement
Tufts (reapply) - location is ok
Boston (reapply) - location is ok, teaches modern dentistry, heard faculty is nice, good student to professor ratio
stonybrook - have heard amazing things about the program, in state
some of the schools i added just bc they aligned with my stats. ive done research on their websites and havent really seen anything stick out that would deter me or make me super excited about them. im going to adea go dental so i am planning on talking to the schools i dont know much about in a few weeks to see if id be a good fit.

you need to apply broadly across the northeast and areas closer to the northeast than the rockies
and it's not only about the location being ok, you need to look at OOS acceptance rates and 5/95 GPA and DAT
ive received conflicting advice with keeping my list regional from this website and reddit. i was told my stats were not high enough to apply to schools just in the northeast and to apply broadly, but i applied to schools just in the northeast anyways my first cycle, didnt get interviews, and the feedback i received from admissions was my sgpa did not align with their stats. i understand your reasoning behind applying regionally, but i want to maximize my chances this cycle. also, i won't be going into debt to apply thankfully. i wouldn't consider applying to all 60+ schools or even more than 15 because i think its just a waste of money at that point, but i think anything less than 12 is too little for my stats as im not competitive. i didn't mean to come across as rude if i have i apologize, its just hard when people are constantly giving you conflicting advice im not sure who to listen to. i see the logic to both sides.
Adcom experts (verified) don't post on reddit unless they also post on SDN. 😉

This ain't medical school or undergrad admissions. You only have 60 dental schools, most sensitive to the local/state needs for a robust dental workforce. It's not the same as medical school where stakeholders include hospitals.

my ps heavily emphasizes how i saw the impact of limited access to dental care in underserved communities and as a doctor i want to advocate for those who do not have access to ensure they can have a healthy, beautiful smile. this is what motivates me
And your evidence is...
Shadowing Experience: 250 hours in general and a few in ortho
Volunteering Experience: 150 hours from the previous cycle
Employment: 1500+ hours (2 years) assisting
various random jobs through college, not sure what to list as I don't want to look like a job hopper but also want to show i had to manage a lot thru school
Research: no
... not clear from this description that you have supported your PS. Which activities did you see impact of limited access to dental care in underserved communities? Is 150 hours enough observation? Do you work in free/community clinics? Show me how you have advocated for these communities (no leadership?) because this description is not convincing me. If it motivates you, you should be proud to talk about leadership activities and impacts, even with some redaction, in the WAMC profile. In short, there is nothing that you wrote that would compel me to want to interview you.


You want to be a dentist, so you need to show me why I should choose you. Self-marketing is a skill dentists must master because no one wants to go to just anyone with a dental degree. Tell me why I can trust you to do what you say you will do and advocate for underserved communities... or give me assurance you aren't going to cause more pain to my patients.
That's an odd way to give you advice: is it more like "we think you're a strong applicant, but take a postbac just in case..."? That's weird to hedge that way, but who knows. Hopefully their opinions on your school list aign with our thoughts.

In general, dental admissions tend to be regional. As a reapplicant, 14 feels a little much, but it's not like med school admissions where you have to write secondaries for each program (but check just in case). As a New York resident, you have some in-state options so 12-14 would be just enough to me.


you need to apply broadly across the northeast and areas closer to the northeast than the rockies
and it's not only about the location being ok, you need to look at OOS acceptance rates and 5/95 GPA and DAT
unfortunately applying broadly across the northeast doesnt rlly do much for lowstat applicants like myself bc a lot of the north east schools are competitive. i applied broadly to most north east schools my first cycle and wasnt successful. the schools ive looked at do have pretty high OOS acceptance rates so i wasnt too worried about that. what do u mean by 5/95?
Adcom experts (verified) don't post on reddit unless they also post on SDN. 😉

This ain't medical school or undergrad admissions. You only have 60 dental schools, most sensitive to the local/state needs for a robust dental workforce. It's not the same as medical school where stakeholders include hospitals.

And your evidence is...

... not clear from this description that you have supported your PS. Which activities did you see impact of limited access to dental care in underserved communities? Is 150 hours enough observation? Do you work in free/community clinics? Show me how you have advocated for these communities (no leadership?) because this description is not convincing me. If it motivates you, you should be proud to talk about leadership activities and impacts, even with some redaction, in the WAMC profile. In short, there is nothing that you wrote that would compel me to want to interview you.


You want to be a dentist, so you need to show me why I should choose you. Self-marketing is a skill dentists must master because no one wants to go to just anyone with a dental degree. Tell me why I can trust you to do what you say you will do and advocate for underserved communities... or give me assurance you aren't going to cause more pain to my patients.
can i pm you? i kept my post concise because 1. i didnt think anyone wanted to read 10,000 words about my app lol and 2. for a bit more anonymity but i think if you read my ps the evidence is clear. i address some of your questions in it. ofc nothing in this WAMC compels you to interview me, you can't get a true sense of who i am without seeing my ps, descriptions of my ecs, my full application. i think its a bit unfair to say something thats pretty discouraging when all you have is my numerical stats. id love to send you my ps and discuss my app in more detail in pm if thats ok with you
unfortunately applying broadly across the northeast doesnt rlly do much for lowstat applicants like myself bc a lot of the north east schools are competitive. i applied broadly to most north east schools my first cycle and wasnt successful. the schools ive looked at do have pretty high OOS acceptance rates so i wasnt too worried about that. what do u mean by 5/95?
"and areas closer to the northeast than the rockies"
unfortunately applying broadly across the northeast doesnt rlly do much for lowstat applicants like myself bc a lot of the north east schools are competitive. i applied broadly to most north east schools my first cycle and wasnt successful. the schools ive looked at do have pretty high OOS acceptance rates so i wasnt too worried about that. what do u mean by 5/95?
5/95 means the 5th percentile and 95th percentile of the DAT and GPA...