WAMC: Applying 2024-2025 Cycle

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Oct 19, 2023
Reaction score
1. cGPA: 3.5, sGPA: 3.46
2. MCAT: 520
3. State of residence: Washington State
4. Race: I look white, I am mixed white/hispanic
5. Undergrad: UW
6. Clinical Experience:
Will have ~4000 hours by June 2024 as an MA in a primary care clinic
~100 hours volunteering a free clinic
7. No research experience
8. Shadowing: 35 hours
9. Non-clinical volunteering:
~600 hours shelter volunteer
~250 hours at a hospice center
~50 hours helping ESL children read
10. Other: On a quality improvement committee at my job

Edit for those reading in the future: I got accepted!

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OHSU and West Virginia admit few applicants with no connection to the state. You could add these schools:
Western Michigan
Boston University
Merrics-wise you look great. Get more shadowing.

I need to see your mission fit with the schools on your list. If primary care is your goal, in-state shouldn't be a problem since you have a lot of options with MD and DO. Network with the schools do you can make your best school list that fits your mission.
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Do you speak Spanish? I'm assuming yes since you teach ESL. Teaching English to immigrant low SES Hispanics would impress me.

Regardless, look into LMSA.

How strong are your ties to California? Your chances are slim in California, but can be bolstered with a strong Hispanic emphasis in your app. I don't know how strongly you identify as Hispanic or white. (sorry, I never know whether/when to use Latinx, Latino, Hispanic; AAMC says "Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish Origin")

Use MSAR data to look for schools who matriculate large numbers of Hispanic ethnicity.

Look for OOS public schools which admit large numbers of OOS AND Hispanic applicants. Eg. Indiana & Illinois. MSAR is comprehensive, but I wish it had a search function. Its filtering is modest.

I feel that doing a postbacc/smp may not be necessary with where I currently stand, thoughts?

It looks like you did your own postbacc already. I'd do a formal postbacc only if you feel that it will raise your GPA significantly (and you have a really good probability of accomplishing that). You need to do the math.

Did my MA training at an ENT clinic, ~200 hours, should I include this in activities?

If it meant a lot to you, then add it, if you have room in your app

Curious about adding these schools though I think I have a low chance to get in: Case Western, Hofstra, Einstein, Icahn, Brown, UCSF, UMich, Pitt, Mayo

Some of these schools won't look at you with no research. Just a for instance, Case & Sinai . Look at their MSAR's.

Good luck!
Merrics-wise you look great. Get more shadowing.

I need to see your mission fit with the schools on your list. If primary care is your goal, in-state shouldn't be a problem since you have a lot of options with MD and DO. Network with the schools do you can make your best school list that fits your mission.
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Do you speak Spanish? I'm assuming yes since you teach ESL. Teaching English to immigrant low SES Hispanics would impress me.

Regardless, look into LMSA.

How strong are your ties to California? Your chances are slim in California, but can be bolstered with a strong Hispanic emphasis in your app. I don't know how strongly you identify as Hispanic or white. (sorry, I never know whether/when to use Latinx, Latino, Hispanic; AAMC says "Hispanic, Latino, or of Spanish Origin")

Use MSAR data to look for schools who matriculate large numbers of Hispanic ethnicity.

Look for OOS public schools which admit large numbers of OOS AND Hispanic applicants. Eg. Indiana & Illinois. MSAR is comprehensive, but I wish it had a search function. Its filtering is modest.

It looks like you did your own postbacc already. I'd do a formal postbacc only if you feel that it will raise your GPA significantly (and you have a really good probability of accomplishing that). You need to do the math.

If it meant a lot to you, then add it, if you have room in your app

Some of these schools won't look at you with no research. Just a for instance, Case & Sinai . Look at their MSAR's.

Good luck!
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OHSU and West Virginia admit few applicants with no connection to the state. You could add these schools:
Western Michigan
Boston University
Thank you for the suggestions!

I have considered some of these schools and will look in depth into their websites. However, I figured Pitt, Hofstra, Einstein, BU would be reach schools. I do have a very close knit group of friends that live in Maryland, West VA, I chose OHSU on my list just due to location and perceived mission fit.
I think my strength as an applicant is my dedication to underserved/vulnerable populations, so I've been looking at many OOS schools that have a service focus or have an interest in social justice (USC, Jesuit schools, Rush, my state schools, etc.). Beyond some of these schools that have a reputation for valuing service and social justice focused applicants, I find it hard to notice mission statements that speak to me directly. I find that most of the mission statements of medical schools speak to my interests in general, but don't pop out to me unless they specifically mention "community service", or "service underserved populations".
Something we try to cover in Becoming a Student Doctor is how each school "talks/walks the talk/walk." The mission/vision statements should be backed up with specific programs, opportunities, and structures that make that mission a focus for the institution. I say this because every medical school and academic medical center SHOULD be focused on serving underserved populations. You should be looking at schools the same way they will be looking at you and your motivations to pursue medicine/healthcare.

I am very proud to be of hispanic descent and of my family's previous generations for having the courage to come to America and leave everything behind for a better life.
Be proud and show your pride!

- I am not fluent in spanish, but I am conversational and I am actively trying to improve my spanish. I will look into LMSA
Spanish ability is extremely marketable in many parts of the country, especially in primary care.

My ties to Cali: My entire extended family lives in CA, visit there frequently, both my parents grew up in the LA area. My father's parents + grandparents immigrated there in the early-mid 1900s to Chavez Ravine.
You'll have to use MSAR to see if you fit any CA schools. Your GPA is a bit low for most schools in CA, but if there is a strong upward trend as you point out, you might be in play (you'll be in the low percentiles). I just hope you aren't a Dodgers fan.