WAMC/ School List (512. 3.86)

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May 19, 2024
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Hi all! Want advice on whether I should make any adjustments to my current school list! I've considered retaking the MCAT (took it last summer after studying abroad and do think it may be feasible to do better but not sure if worth the time investment/ delaying applying another year). Am ideally wanting to a MD/MPH but am open/applying to a few schools without that offered.

cGPA: 3.86, sGPA: 3.8
  • MCAT score(s) and breakdown. Include all (non-voided) attempts:
    • 512 (126 C/P, 128 CARS, 127 B/B, 131 P/S)
  • State of residence or country of citizenship (if non-US): GA (lived in NJ till 7 and have family in Northeast but not sure if strong enough of a tie for NJ schools)
  • Ethnicity and/or race: White
  • Undergraduate institution or category: Top 30 (majored in Neuroscience and French, minored in Community Action and Social Change)
  • Clinical experience (volunteer and non-volunteer): Paid experience as a CNA (700 hours), Americorps Public Health position (anticipated 2150 hours during gap year, counting as clinical volunteer as in hospital setting interacting with patients)
  • Research experience and productivity:
    • qualitative research on geriatric psychiatry (access to care resources for dementia caregivers during the pandemic), 1 presentation, publication (fifth author tho so not significant)
    • Neuroscience wet lab research (700 hours) on genetic basis of repeat expansion neurodegenerative disease, 2 presentations, received summer fellowship to continue research, completed an honors thesis
  • Shadowing experience and specialties represented (30 hours): Neurology
  • Non-clinical volunteering (~700 hrs):
    • produce distribution at clinic for the uninsured/under-insured (predominantly low SES, diverse clients); was trained as captain for the shift 2 years in (400 hours), volunteer for sexual assualt awareness center facilitating bystander intervention workshop (400 hours); volunteering/ mentoring small groups at local middle school (100 hours), volunteering for support line for elderly individuals during the pandemic (60 hours), volunteering at local humane society/animal shelter (40 hours)
    • Other extracurricular activities (including athletics, military service, gap year activities, leadership, teaching, etc):
      • improv theatre group (400 hours, served as president for 2 years), co-director of member-education for public health student org advocating for reproductive justice in the carceral system (committee member all 4 years, co-director senior year), social media chair for bystander intervention volunteer group (all 4 years as committee member, chair for 2 years) , paid work for sexual assualt awareness center facilitating first year workshop (pilot year so helped to shape curriculum), peer advisor for community service (site led students in community service events), other random job: standardized patient for nursing and nurse practioner students
    • Relevant Honors and Awards: freshmen prize for top 5% of class, university honors, graduated with Honors in Neuroscience (thesis listed above), not sure whether to include but graduated with: Sustainability Honors Cord, Service Cord
Current School List: Medical College of Georgia, Mercer University, Emory, Wayne State, Temple, Drexel, GW, Georgetown, SUNY Downstate, Medical College of Wisconsin, RUSH, SLU, Loyola Stritch, Rosalind Franklin, Sidney Kimmel, Tufts, NYMC, Quinnipiac, UMass, VCU, Virginia Tech, Tulane, UConn, may apply to BU, Pitt, and Mount Sinai as reaches (dream schools)

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Potentially but I was under the impression it was only if you intend to specialize in primary care. I have a history of head injuries which sparked my interest in neurology so it is a strong consideration for me or i'm also considering psychiatry which may me more applicable to my interest in public health through addressing disparities in mental health treatment.
Are you considering getting a NHSC scholarship (given your interest in public health and serving marginalized populations)?