24, F, non-traditional, 1st cycle
Applied: michigan (IS), colorado, minnesota, western, washington, wisconsin, tennessee, oregon, iowa
Waiting to hear: wisconsin, iowa
Denied: all 🙁
Waitlist: none
Overall GPA: 3.1
Science Prerequisite GPA: depending on school, for my IS (michigan) it is 3.35
Last 45 GPA: 3.41
Degree(s): BS in zoology
Veterinary Experience:
- small animal & exotics GP: 2170 hrs (current)
- wildlife: 90 hrs volunteering with veterinarian at rehabilitation center
Animal Experience:
- cat care volunteer at at-risk cat sanctuary: 100 (current)
- pet-sitting for chickens & turkeys: 264
- TNR: unsure, would have to calculate this (2 cats a month for summer 23-winter 24) (current)
- humane society volunteer: started in elementary school- high school
none, but i have donated my pet sugar gliders and rabbits stool samples a few times to my local university for a heat-shock protein study!! (very willing participants)
- hammocking club vice president & secretary
- pre vet club (1year)
- spartan ski club
- deans list my last 2 semesters
- certificate from san diego zoo global academy (sanctioned thru one of my undergrad classes)
- IM soccer
- high school: color guard & varsity soccer
Non-Animal Employment:
-worked at a restaurant my last 2 years of high school, and summer after my freshman year of undergrad
- worked at an MLM (kinda, yikes) summer after my junior year of undergrad
- worked at a doggy daycare summer after my senior year of undergrad
- vet from SA/exotic GP
- vet from wildlife rehabilitation center
- supervisor from cat sanctuary
Essay Questions/Personal Statement:
i wrote about how it has been a struggle finding a veterinarian who is knowledgeable about various exotic pet issues for my pets at home (reptiles, sugar gliders, rabbits, small mammals, etc) and how i would like to support my community in this way- and how i would possibly like to specialize so i can be on the forefront of research in exotic pet medicine. i also wrote about how after working in a GP clinic, i’m more passionate about client education regarding exotic pets, rather than working in a zoo. i touched on why my grades were SO BAD my first few years of undergrad (severe adhd, mental illness, etc) and how i learned from that, giving me an opportunity to learn how I study before going off to vet school.
Extra information
-i got my BS in 5 years from michigan state, then took a 6th year at my local CC to retake some courses for a better grade, added on micro, pathophys, etc.
-i did not work or get hours while taking classes in my first 5 years of undergrad (thought that was okay, oops!) but during year 6 i worked full time & volunteered while taking a full load
i will be adding for the next cycle: LA vet experience, merit badge counselor for boy scouts, fostering cottontails for the local wildlife rehab
Specific questions:
- i have briefly thought about a masters to boost my GPA, HOWEVER i really would not like to do this (for financial and mental health reasons) and would rather just add on a boatload of experience hours. i guess it depends on the school, but would this help me significantly?
- i am being encouraged to leave the SA/exotic practice i work at now to go to a different practice, for the purpose of having experience in multiple different clinics. me leaving my job would severely screw over my coworkers, as we are already short staffed and they rely on me quite a bit. is this something that schools are looking for?
- any different schools i should apply to this next cycle?
THANK YOU for any and all advice! only tennessee so far offers a file review, so advice from others going through the same thing is greatly appreciated!
Applied: michigan (IS), colorado, minnesota, western, washington, wisconsin, tennessee, oregon, iowa
Waiting to hear: wisconsin, iowa
Denied: all 🙁
Waitlist: none
Overall GPA: 3.1
Science Prerequisite GPA: depending on school, for my IS (michigan) it is 3.35
Last 45 GPA: 3.41
Degree(s): BS in zoology
Veterinary Experience:
- small animal & exotics GP: 2170 hrs (current)
- wildlife: 90 hrs volunteering with veterinarian at rehabilitation center
Animal Experience:
- cat care volunteer at at-risk cat sanctuary: 100 (current)
- pet-sitting for chickens & turkeys: 264
- TNR: unsure, would have to calculate this (2 cats a month for summer 23-winter 24) (current)
- humane society volunteer: started in elementary school- high school
none, but i have donated my pet sugar gliders and rabbits stool samples a few times to my local university for a heat-shock protein study!! (very willing participants)
- hammocking club vice president & secretary
- pre vet club (1year)
- spartan ski club
- deans list my last 2 semesters
- certificate from san diego zoo global academy (sanctioned thru one of my undergrad classes)
- IM soccer
- high school: color guard & varsity soccer
Non-Animal Employment:
-worked at a restaurant my last 2 years of high school, and summer after my freshman year of undergrad
- worked at an MLM (kinda, yikes) summer after my junior year of undergrad
- worked at a doggy daycare summer after my senior year of undergrad
- vet from SA/exotic GP
- vet from wildlife rehabilitation center
- supervisor from cat sanctuary
Essay Questions/Personal Statement:
i wrote about how it has been a struggle finding a veterinarian who is knowledgeable about various exotic pet issues for my pets at home (reptiles, sugar gliders, rabbits, small mammals, etc) and how i would like to support my community in this way- and how i would possibly like to specialize so i can be on the forefront of research in exotic pet medicine. i also wrote about how after working in a GP clinic, i’m more passionate about client education regarding exotic pets, rather than working in a zoo. i touched on why my grades were SO BAD my first few years of undergrad (severe adhd, mental illness, etc) and how i learned from that, giving me an opportunity to learn how I study before going off to vet school.
Extra information
-i got my BS in 5 years from michigan state, then took a 6th year at my local CC to retake some courses for a better grade, added on micro, pathophys, etc.
-i did not work or get hours while taking classes in my first 5 years of undergrad (thought that was okay, oops!) but during year 6 i worked full time & volunteered while taking a full load
i will be adding for the next cycle: LA vet experience, merit badge counselor for boy scouts, fostering cottontails for the local wildlife rehab
Specific questions:
- i have briefly thought about a masters to boost my GPA, HOWEVER i really would not like to do this (for financial and mental health reasons) and would rather just add on a boatload of experience hours. i guess it depends on the school, but would this help me significantly?
- i am being encouraged to leave the SA/exotic practice i work at now to go to a different practice, for the purpose of having experience in multiple different clinics. me leaving my job would severely screw over my coworkers, as we are already short staffed and they rely on me quite a bit. is this something that schools are looking for?
- any different schools i should apply to this next cycle?
THANK YOU for any and all advice! only tennessee so far offers a file review, so advice from others going through the same thing is greatly appreciated!