What does this even mean? (energy levels of orbitals)

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Mar 14, 2010
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I got this during a Princeton Review passage earlier today. I kind of understand it, but then I got this:
Bond order is defined by the expression 1/2(# of bonding electrons – # of anti-bonding electrons)
A bond order of zero indicates an unstable molecule or ion. A higher bond order means a shorter bond length and a greater bond dissociation energy. If a molecule has unpaired electrons, then it is paramagnetic, as opposed to diamagnetic.

An ion of O2 2+ would be predicted by this theory to have a bond order of:

So, O2(2+) = 8*2 -2 = 14 electrons.
So, going up: if each orbital is 2 electrons...I got 4? But the answer is no, bond order is 3.

Therefore (filling orbitals from bottom to top), the s1s, s*1s,s2s, s*2s, p2p, and s2p orbitals would be filled.

How does this even work?! What is going on!!

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It's molecular orbital theory and I don't think you have to know it for MCAT. You probably very briefly touched on it during gen chem 1. O2 2+ would have 10 electrons, not 14. O2 has 12, 12-2 = 10.

So for every bonding orbital you have an antiboding orbital. start at 2s and fill that first (2 electrons). Then put 2 electrons in the 2s* (*=antibonding orbital). You have 6 electrons left to account for. Next is the 2p orbital (there's 2px, 2py, and 2pz) After you fill all of those, you have 0 electrons left. So you have two in 2s, two in 2px, two in 2py, and two in 2pz. That means you have a total of 8 bonding electrons. You also have two in 2s*, so you have 2 anti-bonding electrons.

1/2(8-2) = 1/2(6) = 3.

Edit: If the answer isn't 3, then ignore me. I'm not exactly sure I remember this either.

Hmm, I'll go over what you wrote. Here is what TPR says:
C. Oxygen (1s2 2s2 2p4) has eight electrons, so O2 2+ has 2 × 8 – 2 = 14 electrons. Therefore (filling orbitals from bottom to top), the s1s, s*1s,s2s, s*2s, p2p, and s2porbitals would be filled. The two filled s* orbitals represent 2 × 2 = 4 antibonding electrons, so there are 14 – 4 = 10 bonding electrons. According to the equation given in the passage, then, the bond order is (1/2)(10 – 4) = 3.

EDIT: After reviewing what you said and what they said, I still have no idea what's going on.
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Check this out:

As the OP stated, there are 14 electrons available in the system. You fill from the bottom up, and keep things unpaired at first when there are two equivalent energy-level orbitals available. I numbered where each electron goes in my image.

Now, how many of those electrons are in orbitals for which the matching anti-bonding (*) orbital is unfilled? Numbers 9 through 14, or 6 electrons. Bond order is that number of un-cancelled-out electrons divided by two, which gives the answer: 3.

Edit: thanks!
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Check this out:


As the OP stated, there are 14 electrons available in the system. You fill from the bottom up, and keep things unpaired at first when there are two equivalent energy-level orbitals available. I numbered where each electron goes in my image.

Now, how many of those electrons are in orbitals for which the matching anti-bonding (*) orbital is unfilled? Numbers 9 through 14, or 6 electrons. Bond order is that number of un-cancelled-out electrons divided by two, which gives the answer: 3.

Edit: can you tell me how to make that image visible in-post?

use [i.m.g]whateverimageyouwant.jpg[/i.m.g] remove the periods from img.