What is this the name of this scar and a couple of other questions for my dermatology friends lol...

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Feb 8, 2018
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  1. I got these scars on my forehead hurting myself as a little kid and first of all, I wanted to know what they are called. Is it called atrophic, hypotrophic, or indented scars? Or is there another name for these?
  2. I've heard that micro-needling procedures are the best treatment for getting rid of these scars. If this is true, do the micro-needling derma rollers you can get on Amazon work for these (posted a link of an example at the bottom)? Or do I have to do the professional micro-needling procedures?
  3. If those micro-needling derma rollers do work, does it matter which mm needle I get for those derma rollers? I saw 0.25, 0.5 and 1 mm needles.

Here's the link to the derma roller I found.

Amazon product ASIN B073CFR8R4
Thank you to whoever can give me a good answer to this because I'm tired of having this problem for so many years and just want to get rid of them lol.


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