What time of year to reach out to PIs about a post bacc (volunteer) research assistant position?

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Jul 7, 2020
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Hi everyone, I'm looking to get a little more relevant research under my belt and I am curious when is the best time of year to start contacting labs? It's summer now, but I've also come across recommendations for reaching out in March-ish. Or does it matter less if I offer volunteer labor?

Although securing one with pay would be ideal, I'm thinking I will supplement with a 2-3x/wk mental health tech position and going for the research area I'm most interested in, which right now is pretty much anything explicitly related to attachment, stress, and/or adjustment. I have 2.5yrs behavioral neurobiology research experience in this area as well, so I think/hope fit won't be too hard.


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The best time of the year probably depends on labs, how their research is set up, and when fundings comes in. My advice - reach out to them now and they will tell you if they will be looking for someone in x months. Beginning of the academic year tends to be quite hectic for PIs, so they may have less time to respond to emails. Summer is usually less busy. In the end, what do you have to lose?
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The best time of the year probably depends on labs, how their research is set up, and when fundings comes in. My advice - reach out to them now and they will tell you if they will be looking for someone in x months. Beginning of the academic year tends to be quite hectic for PIs, so they may have less time to respond to emails. Summer is usually less busy. In the end, what do you have to lose?
That's a good point, thank you George :)
I am fully aware that sometimes as a student or prospective applicant it is easy to overthink things. I say go for it, and see if you can get paid for your work if possible. Best of luck!