What to do before starting medical school

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Dec 5, 2023
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Hello all,

I was admitted to my top choice medical school around a month ago, and was wondering if there was anything that I could do to start preparing for medical school or even get ahead slightly. I know, I know, I need to relax and enjoy my time before starting. I already have several trips planned and am currently in a gap year where my work life is not too strenuous, so I just feel like there could be something more that I could be doing outside of just mentally preparing to begin. I was recommended that studying anatomy could be something to get ahead on? Was wondering if anyone had any advice or resources that they would recommend.

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You've got more than just a summer but this advice holds. Not enamored with Anki as it doesn't address critical thinking skills that are being more highly valued (at least at my school).

My advice still holds: learn to prepare caffeinated beverages at home if you consume caffeine, learn to prepare meals to save you time and money, develop routines to help maintain your health and sanity.
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Once you start you're in it man and you don't have much free time. Have fun right now.

Learning to meal prep, etc like LizzyM said is the biggest thing.

If you've never used Anki (I did it in undergrad), I would try it out just to see if you like it and to learn to use the software so you can hit the ground running. But I wouldn't actually start studying for med school, you'll have enough to do when you get there

You've got more than just a summer but this advice holds. Not enamored with Anki as it doesn't address critical thinking skills that are being more highly valued (at least at my school).

My advice still holds: learn to prepare caffeinated beverages at home if you consume caffeine, learn to prepare meals to save you time and money, develop routines to help maintain your health and sanity.
Thank you, this advice helps. I feel like I've got a good footing with these as I meal prep and workout consistently since starting work. Hopefully will be able to maintain these habits. Do you not think it is worth trying to study ahead?
Thank you, this advice helps. I feel like I've got a good footing with these as I meal prep and workout consistently since starting work. Hopefully will be able to maintain these habits. Do you not think it is worth trying to study ahead?
I've never been a medical student but everything I've heard for the last 20+ years is that there is no point to studying ahead of orientation. You might as well get used to drinking from a garden house as preparation for drinking from a firehose. There really isn't a way to prepare in advance.