When do dental school's start sending out interview request?

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Mar 23, 2009
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I was planning on studying abroad in the fall but don't want to if its during interview times. thanks!

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Well if you are a competitive applicant, then interviews usually come between August and November for Dec 1 acceptances. Some schools like Case start earlier than that, but they are an outlier with their interview dates.
i had everything submitted in time for the first mailing and received an interview at uconn on 6/30, i believe..so if you get your stuff in asap, you can get a few before september. good luck!
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I was planning on studying abroad in the fall but don't want to if its during interview times. thanks!

I hate to say it, but you may want to delay the studying abroad. If you're applying this year, a lot of interviews are held between September and November (i.e. all of my interviews were held during this time). If you were studying abroad, you would put yourself at a disadvantage because your interviews (might?) be rescheduled, but they would be rescheduled for after Christmas when the classes are already almost full.
do they send out interview rejections? or do you just keep waiting for an interview request?
do they send out interview rejections? or do you just keep waiting for an interview request?

interview rejections? no. they'll either send a rejection (before or after an interview) or, like most of the schools i applied to, they just have you wait forever until they eventually reject you or interview you.
do they send out interview rejections? or do you just keep waiting for an interview request?

Sorry... I am dense

What is an "interview rejection"? Like.... they invite you in to reject you in person?