Which DO school has the lowest match rate?

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Jun 3, 2022
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Curious to know.

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It’s hard to say. DO schools are not transparent at all about match rates. They tend to only report “placement rates,” which include graduates who SOAP into a spot. Some DO schools even consider graduates who don’t match and just take a year off for research as successfully placed.
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There are conspiracy theories that DO schools are predatory. Certainly, some are owned by Caribbean parent cokpanies, but they are the vast minority. I'm not sure I understand how it is advantageous to dismiss students and then miss out on 2 or 3 more years of tuition. Not to mention federal monies. It is far more in their interest to work with students so they add to their board passing rate and their match list. Many schools won't allow students to take boards until they achieve a certain Comat score.
There are conspiracy theories that DO schools are predatory. Certainly, some are owned by Caribbean parent cokpanies, but they are the vast minority. I'm not sure I understand how it is advantageous to dismiss students and then miss out on 2 or 3 more years of tuition. Not to mention federal monies. It is far more in their interest to work with students so they add to their board passing rate and their match list. Many schools won't allow students to take boards until they achieve a certain Comat score.
I haven’t heard of any DO school that is more interested in dismissing their students than teaching them. it sounds like you’re talking about carribean schools with the exception of RVUCOM (owned by SGU)). Don’t think you can generalize that 1 school to all DO schools…
Match rates are pointless because most present a post SOAP “placement rate.” It also doesn’t factor in how many advisors gave it straight to students and or how many delusional students a school has
I haven’t heard of any DO school that is more interested in dismissing their students than teaching them. it sounds like you’re talking about carribean schools with the exception of RVUCOM (owned by SGU)). Don’t think you can generalize that 1 school to all DO schools…
See thread DO MD schools care about their students?
Is this a DO thing or med school thing in general?
I think it's mainly DO not because they want you to fail, but because they don't have the means of creating extra/alternative routes for you to pass. ex: your class size is 200. say 10% fail. That's 20. They won't hire and create a whole new system for 20 ppl to pass outside of their usual schedule.
So you cannot simply retake one failed class and there's not too many summer options (besides summer anatomy). Who's there to teach you?
Maybe it's better at more established schools
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I think it's mainly DO not because they want you to fail, but because they don't the means of creating extra/alternative routes for you to pass.
ex: You cannot simply retake one failed class. Who's there to teach you?
Maybe it's better at more established schools
Ahh gotcha. Could you give an example of a school like this?
Ahh gotcha. Could you give an example of a school like this?

Med schools, whether DO or MD expect people to remediate on their own, ie, they don't take classes again in the subject they failed.

The schools that will have the lowest match rates will be the brand new schools.
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