Which Khan Academy practice passages are representative of the real MCAT?

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Jan 10, 2015
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I have some time to spare, and only wanted to do the Khan Academy practice passages that are relevant or representative to the real MCAT question types.

Which section(s) of Khan's practice passages is(are) the most representative of the real thing?

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I have some time to spare, and only wanted to do the Khan Academy practice passages that are relevant or representative to the real MCAT question types.

Which section(s) of Khan's practice passages is(are) the most representative of the real thing?
I don't think anyone has taken the time to do this. The Khan videos were nice but their passages are all over the palce. Some are good, some ok, some just terrible as resembling anything close to the AAMC materials.

What you ask for would be fairly subjective, and take a lot of time. In general I would say if you don't see a good mix of science, data and figures/results, ignore the passage if you want AAMC like stuff.

If you just want to brush up on a science topic, do the simple 1 paragraph and 1 simple diagram passages.
Definitely their psych/soc were WAY more representative of the actual MCAT than TPR. I memorized and practiced that TPR book front to back and it did not help me because all of the passages were so research/study based, much more like the Khan ones. They work with AAMC, so at least for that section they hit the nail on the head.
I don't think anyone has taken the time to do this. The Khan videos were nice but their passages are all over the palce. Some are good, some ok, some just terrible as resembling anything close to the AAMC materials.

What you ask for would be fairly subjective, and take a lot of time. In general I would say if you don't see a good mix of science, data and figures/results, ignore the passage if you want AAMC like stuff.

If you just want to brush up on a science topic, do the simple 1 paragraph and 1 simple diagram passages.

I didn't mean what specific passages are helpful haha

I was just referring to out of the CARS, Psych/Soc, Bio, and Chem categories, which one resembles the real MCAT (if any)

But yes, the ones with figures seem to be similar to the OG questions, so I'll be sure to filter
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KA is very hit or miss. Many questions despite the long passages full of fancy figures are just essentially testing facts and content. There are some good passages that make you think in some kind of conceptual manner but it always surprises me here how there is some kind of consensus that KA passages are rather difficult. Their difficulty is nowhere near that of EK FL or BR stuff IMO.

That said I would do all of them and in particular think physical sciences is the best practice they have there. Psych/Soc is essentially a test of defintions and terminology(not that the real MCAT psych/soc doesn't involve a ton of terms but there is very little actual experimental psych/soc questions on KA that test thinking and reading the passages). Bio is hit or miss; some questions are good, but there is alot that is just testing pure facts and not passage based understanding and analysis. CARS only has a 11 passages; most I thought were too easy but there are a couple good ones(Homer and color in particular).