for one of my most meaningful activities i wanna talk about my time as a hopsice volunteer
i wanna talk about why i volunteer there (to provide 11th hour care),
I also wanna talk about a patient who i was close to, passing away and how i demonstrated and learned emotional resiliency afterward (ofcourse showing and not telling)
however i am afraid of a couple of things
1. does it sound too negative/bleak talking about this kind of stuff in your activity section? I remember dr grey once advised against talking about super negative stuff
2. does talking about providing 11th hour care detract from my pursuit of being a physician?
if someone is intrested in reading my description to lmk if there are any red flags, i will be more than happy to do so
i wanna talk about why i volunteer there (to provide 11th hour care),
I also wanna talk about a patient who i was close to, passing away and how i demonstrated and learned emotional resiliency afterward (ofcourse showing and not telling)
however i am afraid of a couple of things
1. does it sound too negative/bleak talking about this kind of stuff in your activity section? I remember dr grey once advised against talking about super negative stuff
2. does talking about providing 11th hour care detract from my pursuit of being a physician?
if someone is intrested in reading my description to lmk if there are any red flags, i will be more than happy to do so