Work RVU Threshold for Bonus?

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Hash Slinging Slasher

Full Member
7+ Year Member
May 23, 2015
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Hey everyone,

Had a question about how bonuses work for work RVUs. I'm employed by a public university with clinical privileges at an affiliated, non-profit hospital, having started last September w/ starting salary $215K. I work 1.0 FTE but 0.7 of those are non-RVU generating (flat-fee contracts between my psych department and outside clinics, hospitals, etc) with 0.3 of my FTEs being RVU generating: 1 half-day of Spravato clinic (1-3 patients), 1 half-day of ECT (5-8 patients), and 1 half-day of resident supervision outpatient clinic (usually 8-10 patients total to supervise with a 75/25 split between Medicare/Medicare vs commercial payors).

My department says my minimum wRVU threshold was 80 wRVUs/month. I bring in roughly ~160-220/month depending on volume.

The affiliated hospital was recently bought out by a larger hospital chain, so the details on wRVU bonus thresholds are being ironed out but I was wondering: In your experience, are bonus thresholds generally one-size-fits-all (meaning the same threshold regardless of how many RVU-generating FTEs worked)? Or are they generally scaled proportionally? If they do offer bonuses scaled to RVU-generating FTEs, would it be worth worth gunning it for the threshold or are bonuses usually modest and not worth the extra effort in psych?

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It doesn't really matter what most bonus structures look like--it matters what your bonus structure looks like. But since you asked, at my institution the rule is that those who have more than half of their work clinical are eligible for bonuses, and the RVU expectation is proportional to the RVU generating FTE, as is the bonus. I had done some outside contracts that were not RVU generating but decided not to continue, in part because those were financially disincentivized for me by the bonus structure.