Would a gap year be better because of my age?

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Mar 12, 2025
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I am a current sophomore in college, and I am about to turn 19- when I apply I will have just turned 20. Throughout my interviews I will also be 20 and would hypothetically matriculate at 21. I noticed some of the questions about applying young were posted forever ago so I was hoping to get some new advice on whether or not this will be a serious disadvantage (I am only a year younger than people in my year so I never thought it would be a super bad thing but I am still wondering).

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If you can get sufficient experience by that time, it may be less of an issue. But most people with similar circumstances benefit from taking a gap year to work and/or volunteer (particularly in an area outside what they are used to) since their time in school was primarily focused on academics. Older students are much more common than younger ones who apply when they are 22 these days.
Age is not a disadvantage if you find and articulate your purpose and your competencies.
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