Class of 2014!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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OK, so I realize I am probably directly defying one of the holy SDN commandments, but I'm posting this thread again (even though a similar thread was moved a couple of days ago). I know the kind and considerate mods will understand, though. After all, this is the year we'll be taking the MCAT, writing personal statements, submitting AMCAS, applying to med schools, and lot of other very important things. Seems like a thread-worthy subject to me

So let's hear it for the class of 2014! Hopefully by this time next year we'll all be celebrating acceptances into our top choices. Let the games begin!

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haha, i did feel kinda bad that you guys got screwed over b/c 10 other people decided to make class of 20XX threads. Its okay, this one is better anyway.
This is way too early, What's wrong with you people? Neurotic pre-meds. 👎thumbdown

...sike! I think its about time. Good Luck to all of you guys this summer! :xf:
Yeah, I'd like to say my "Good Luck" as well. :luck::luck::luck:

Sounds like you have the blessings of the class of 2013. 😀
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yeah whatever
Good luck^4, and remember, when you guys have questions, feel free to ask the 2013ers... we are all SDN addicts anyway...

Yah, Class of 2013 is taking over:meanie:
lol, when i saw the 2014 thread pop up, it reminded me how we're getting closer and closer to become M1's. I can't help but wonder what the hell I got myself into😀

PS: monkey's right, we're all addicts, so feel free to ask us anything...
From a Class of 2014 member, yayy we have been blessed by the Class of 2013!! Hard to believe it's our turn....Here's to happy news at this time next year!
Class of 2013....We takin over!

Good luck to everyone from the "other" class. :luck:
Class of 2013....We takin over!

Good luck to everyone from the "other" class. :luck:
yaaay 2013!!!... wait this is 2014? ooh yea good luck, whatever 😉 jk :luck:

2 0 1 3 fo' life (and your source of knowledge)
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Good luck^4, and remember, when you guys have questions, feel free to ask the 2013ers... we are all SDN addicts anyway...

Yah, Class of 2013 is taking over:meanie:

how many schools should we apply to?
haha we should just apply as a single SDN group to med schools. wed have to all agree on the list and it should not exceed 30. how fun would that argument be?
God bless you 2014! I pray that all the desires of your heart will be received.

But I do have to agree and say, you can neva eva, eva eva, get on our level, get on our level, get on our level!!! 2 0 1 3 Fo Life!!!!!!! :laugh:
God bless you 2014! I pray that all the desires of your heart will be received.

But I do have to agree and say, you can neva eva, eva eva, get on our level, get on our level, get on our level!!! 2 0 1 3 Fo Life!!!!!!! :laugh:

Get on our level, you cant get on our level, you gon' need a space shuttle or a ladder thats foreva!

key: our = 2013

oh, and i dont think you were quoting lil wayne, but it reminded me of the song. haha
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haha we should just apply as a single SDN group to med schools. wed have to all agree on the list and it should not exceed 30. how fun would that argument be?

or we could have special signals that we could use to quickly identify eachother during interview tours or whatnot. like tapping our heads 3 times while looking left, if you see someone doing that you could be like oh he's an SDNer
how many schools should we apply to?

Dont go funky status, youll end up applying to like 50 schools :meanie:. I was probably complete at about 12-13 schoos, and I thought that was pretty reasonable altho i know its below average (and way below SDN average). Just start looking at schools you might be intersted in and start to get the feel for them. If there is osmething about it you like, put it on you rlist. You can always edit it later.
Dont go funky status, youll end up applying to like 50 schools :meanie:. I was probably complete at about 12-13 schoos, and I thought that was pretty reasonable altho i know its below average (and way below SDN average). Just start looking at schools you might be intersted in and start to get the feel for them. If there is osmething about it you like, put it on you rlist. You can always edit it later.

i was asking funky as a joke 😍
Phospho, is that your real picture? You look very plain. Oh don't get me wrong, your good looking but just, i dont know, plain. Why did you take a picture like your the creator of the matrix?
Get in our level, you cant get on our level, you gon' need a space shuttle or a ladder thats foreva!

key: our = 2013

oh, and i dont think you were quoting lil wayne, but it reminded me of the song. haha

It was a Lil Scrappy song. :laugh:
Phospho, is that your real picture? You look very plain. Oh don't get me wrong, your good looking but just, i dont know, plain. Why did you take a picture like your the creator of the matrix?

apparently german scientists rated phoshpo's face as the most average
Phospho, is that your real picture? You look very plain. Oh don't get me wrong, your good looking but just, i dont know, plain. Why did you take a picture like your the creator of the matrix?
classic question!
Another hopeful 2014er right here! MCAT in T-minus 19 days.

Let's. Do. This. Thing.
Consider yourselves blessed thrice.

(Now, let's keep "wishing them good luck" and then surreptitiously take over their thread. :meanie: )

Consider it done. Good luck!
or we could have special signals that we could use to quickly identify eachother during interview tours or whatnot. like tapping our heads 3 times while looking left, if you see someone doing that you could be like oh he's an SDNer

The interviewers will be like "why does half this group have OCD?" :laugh:
Lets not get silly
I think I would never get any work done if rama and cbrons were at my school... please apply to cornell 😆
I'm starting to rethink my decision that I'd be able to handle cold weather for med school.

Maybe I just need more warm clothes.

good idea. The trick is to apply really early so you visit all the cold places before winter!
good idea. The trick is to apply really early so you visit all the cold places before winter!

But then what happens when you're IN med school, freezing your a ss off?

Anyway, 2014er here... can I drop my hammer for real now? That other thread was such a tease...
But then what happens when you're IN med school, freezing your a ss off?

Anyway, 2014er here... can I drop my hammer for real now? That other thread was such a tease...

As long as the other classes do not make threads, you are fine... if you look closely the mods of the Class of 2013 have given you your blessings. Now eat, drink, and obsess about medical school.😀
But then what happens when you're IN med school, freezing your a ss off?

Anyway, 2014er here... can I drop my hammer for real now? That other thread was such a tease...

Thats why you pray for an acceptance in a warm climate but in the meantime are avoiding cold weather and plane delays.
Now eat, drink, and obsess about medical school.😀

B*tch, please, I've been doing that since the day I was born.

TOTALLY joking. I'm not crazy like that, I swear! I've only been obsessing since about two years ago 😉
B*tch, please, I've been doing that since the day I was born.

TOTALLY joking. I'm not crazy like that, I swear! I've only been obsessing since about two years ago 😉

Med school madness... it begins...

When my sister was applying, and did anything crazy, she was immediately forgiven, because she was applying...

Same with me, and now the cycle continues...

Haha TOP!!!
