english requirement

  1. S

    Can COMM count towards English Credit?

    Hello!! I am currently freaking out a bit regarding my English Credits required for Medical School. So I'm in my last year of College, I graduate in the Fall of 2021, but I do plan on entering the cycle for 2022 and take my MCAT this semester. Though I am just realizing that I don't believe I...
  2. zdoq

    English Class Requirement

    Hi all, Does anyone have experience trying to replace the english requirement with a writing intensive class from another department? I unfortunately only have one english composition class (even that is from the Honors department and not specifically the English department). I received credit...
  3. Majd Abderahman

    Residency program in Germany (in English)

    morning i am currently doing my Internship in Jordan, and i am interested in doing my residency in Germany... i am wondering if there is a program there in English with no German language required for IMGs like me. thank you
  4. T

    english requirement?
