oregon dpt

  1. gretzkydpt

    OSU-Cascades DPT 2023

    Anyone accept their offer to Oregon State's DPT program? Haven't heard many people speak about it on here.
  2. Mya Lopez

    George Fox DPT 2023

    Hi guys! I recently got an interview for George Fox! I picked the morning group of January 13th! It is one of my top 2 schools so I am really excited. Hoping to hear from my other top school Pacific University (Oregon). Just wanted to start a thread so we could keep each other updated on this...
  3. WonderWoMegan

    Pacific University Essay Inspiration

    I'm sure you all feel me, but my fingers and keyboard are spent. I need to write a few more mini essays about myself for PTCAS and PU, but I'm spent. Just so I can get this done and try to sell myself as much as possible, what does PU look for when they ask, "Using an experience you have had...