1st semester freshman gpa? Did I lose my chance????

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Aug 29, 2016
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Hi everyone. Right now I'm projected to end my 1st semester of freshman year with a 3.5 gpa. I was struggling to find good study habits and it impacted my grades (any tips?). I know I still have 2nd semester to improve my overrall freshman gpa (striving to maintain all A's to bounce back) but did I already ruin my chances of attending top medical schools such as Harvard, Johns Hopkins, etc? How bad will it impact my amcas gpa if I have B's in a science and non-science course?

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Hi everyone. Right now I'm projected to end my 1st semester of freshman year with a 3.5 gpa. I was struggling to find good study habits and it impacted my grades (any tips?). I know I still have 2nd semester to improve my overrall freshman gpa (striving to maintain all A's to bounce back) but did I already ruin my chances of attending top medical schools such as Harvard, Johns Hopkins, etc? How bad will it impact my amcas gpa if I have B's in a science and non-science course?
Your gpa's fine so far. Chill. Besides, it's not your gpa that would mess up your chance at a top school like Hopkins, it's your MCAT. A 4.0 means squat if you get 509 or something. Seriously though, you're fine-ish.
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I didn't even read your post because the first four words of your thread title told me all I needed to know. Regardless of what your GPA was, no, you haven't blown your chances. Relax, work hard, and keep your head in the game, and you'll be fine.
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I had a 3.3 my freshman year. Take a deep breath.

Chances at Harvard/Johns Hopkins are fickle regardless - don’t concern yourself with that now.
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a 3.5 is not a bad GPA first semester..... you're doing fine. shoot for that 4.0 though
are we talking science gpa or cumulative?
I think a 3.5 is fine. You have a lot of time to improve. That being said, I'd encourage you to keep your goals realistic. A top medical college isn't at all necessary for a great career as a physician
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Don't focus on it and try to do better going forward. I had a rough sophomore year for personal reasons and got something between 3.0-3.5 (all my other years were As with occasional A-) and still got interviews at T25 medical schools. Haven't heard back from them yet, but don't lose hope!
BTW, those personal reasons weren't anything I cared to disclose to the admissions committees, so my Bs were Bs with no excuse. I attended 5 interviews so far and no one asked me about it.
Don't stress over it too much. Besides a 3.5 isn't the end of the world for your first semester (I know my first semester GPA is detrimental). Show an upward increase, and focus on other the components of your application.