30+ MCAT and rejected from every school

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scrappysurfer said:
Just for the record, I don't see why you get so much harrassment. You are occasionally opinioned (as am I, hence the nickname Scrappy), but on the whole seem fairly quite level-headed. Isn't this forum about exchange of ideas. Thumbs up on the serenity quote as well. That has always been one of my favorites.

To Psycho and Tinkerbelle,

I think you are both dead on. Choosing extracurriculars that you are passionate about is vital. Picking typical activities and just going through the motions to add them to your app will not help very much. Medicine is a grueling career choice and a successful career will require passion and integrity. Admisions committees will look for evidence of this. Choosing activities that inspire you will result in inpired

Choose letter writers who know you, not letter writers who gave you an A in their class. I choose writers whom I knew socially or writers I had worked under even if I'd recieved a solid B in their class. They were able to write genuine letters about my energy and passion and those letters had weight.

thank you and i totally agree with you regarding who you choose to write LOR. :thumbup:

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DoctorV09 said:
And I know I should be happy with 5 interviews, but it's so frustrating to get rejected from the other 25 schools, some of which I am above their stats.

we're pretty much in the same boat. out of 20 schools (from UCSF to NYMC and Drexel, etc.) i got only THREE interviews. i don't have the greatest stats (you can see my mdapplicants.com page but the rundown is gpa: 3.6, mcat 32P, with a very diverse range of experiences including research in micronesia and professional modern dance). i took the august mcat, and i'm sure i could have had better recs, but the ones i had were fairly good, i think. of those THREE INTERVIEWS, i am currently holding one acceptance. luckily it's to a school i love and am psyched to go to, but still, it is quite a blow to the ego... esp. when you consider how close one is to NONE!
scrappysurfer said:
Just for the record, I don't see why you get so much harrassment. You are occasionally opinioned (as am I, hence the nickname Scrappy), but on the whole seem fairly quite level-headed. Isn't this forum about exchange of ideas. Thumbs up on the serenity quote as well. That has always been one of my favorites.

Well, context is everything.

I've probably read at least multiple hundreds of PD posts going back since he was beginning his prep for the MCAT. So background is part of it. Also why I don't consider it harassment. He knows I'm not hating.
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DoctorV09 said:
this process is so frustrating. i have a 30Q and a 3.6, clinical experience for the past 3 years and research for the past 2 years (and have 1 published paper), plus other stuff like leadership in on-campus clubs and such...I applied to 35 schools, ranging from UCSF to Drexel, EVMS, NYMC, etc....I have had 5 interviews so far, got waitlisted at 1 and haven't heard back from any of the others. Plus, I still haven't heard from 5 schools about interviews, though I'm assuming it's too late for that. And I know I should be happy with 5 interviews, but it's so frustrating to get rejected from the other 25 schools, some of which I am above their stats. So, I think I did well on all my interviews--I usually don't get nervous and I'm pretty sociable, but it's still so nervewrecking to sit here and wait...I have a feeling I have a lot of wait-lists in store for me, since it's so late in the process. I really believe that I would have done better if I didn't take the August MCAT...uhh, i need sympathy

35 SCHOOLS!! :eek: thats a lot of schools, u should have gotten an accpetance from somewhere!!!
you would think so, right? :(
DoctorV09 said:
you would think so, right? :(

it looks like u have all the right stuff? did u apply late or something?
haha nm i just re read your post your a augest mcater,..dont give up hope
! :thumbup:
thanks, i'll try not to :)
How come this thread was started for people with no acceptances and an MCAT over 30, and now there's all sorts of people discussing their stats and that they got in, and everything else. Everyone's sad with multiple interviews and waitlists and even some with acceptances. I had 1 interview, and no waitlists or acceptances. I think I've only seen a couple of other people who are similar situations.
Steiner said:
How come this thread was started for people with no acceptances and an MCAT over 30, and now there's all sorts of people discussing their stats and that they got in, and everything else. Everyone's sad with multiple interviews and waitlists and even some with acceptances. I had 1 interview, and no waitlists or acceptances. I think I've only seen a couple of other people who are similar situations.

I feel bad for you. But seriously, reapply and you can get in.
How about no interviews (I assume here the three "We want to interview you" waitlists don't count)? Granted, my biggest problem was I applied late. Already have my essay for June done.
Yeah I've already got two different drafts of statements done, plus Ive called schools that will talk to me and asked what I can do to improve. If i don't get in this time, I might redo all premed classes before I try again.
Actually, redoing all your premed classes probably won't be viewed as a positive step, it's redoing steps. To take a positive step, instead it's better to take higher-level courses.
Well just got my final rejection. scienc 3.2 overall 3.4, mcat 36R, applied to about 27 schools only got an interview from Albany. I did however create a back up plan at the last minute and applied to Pub health programs and got into Boston University, which is what I think I might do, I have to raise my GPA though I guess so I'm still waiting for some post bacc programs to respond. It'll be sad if I get rejected from them too, but overall it was an intersting experience. Being rejected so often can have bring a person down to earth,and in the end I'm sure it will have positive ramifications for me. Its already strengthened my resolve to become a doctor. Everyone's got to remember that there's no rush, money's an issue for me, but they'll give us loans as long as your working to become a doctor. I used to get upset thinking some of my classmates graduated from undergrad n 4 years and started med school and are in their second year now, big deal they'll finish residency at 28 instead of 30, life isn't about reaching a destination its about making the journey. Anyway thought I'd be positive.
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Steiner said:
Yeah I've already got two different drafts of statements done, plus Ive called schools that will talk to me and asked what I can do to improve. If i don't get in this time, I might redo all premed classes before I try again.
if you don't mind me asking what schools were willing to talk to you. I already know my gpa was an issue, but I wouldn't mind getting more feedback. thanks.
Kazema said:
Actually, redoing all your premed classes probably won't be viewed as a positive step, it's redoing steps. To take a positive step, instead it's better to take higher-level courses.

Thats what Im doing this coming year, but if that doesn't work, Ill have to do something, so i'll probably retake some classes I did poorly in and then apply to DO schools.
My biggest problem is Im having trouble gaining clinical experience because i live in a small town and no one is willing to allow me to shadow or observe. The best i got was ER volunteering and American Cancer Society. Im moving back to the big city this summer and will try to improve on that part.
piebruin said:
if you don't mind me asking what schools were willing to talk to you. I already know my gpa was an issue, but I wouldn't mind getting more feedback. thanks.

My state school talked to me, and UConn said to call after April, I think, and they didn't even interview me.
Steiner said:
Thats what Im doing this coming year, but if that doesn't work, Ill have to do something, so i'll probably retake some classes I did poorly in and then apply to DO schools.
My biggest problem is Im having trouble gaining clinical experience because i live in a small town and no one is willing to allow me to shadow or observe. The best i got was ER volunteering and American Cancer Society. Im moving back to the big city this summer and will try to improve on that part.

In my experience ER volunteering is enough... depending on much you have I am not sure that you need to put in lots more hours just to shadow doctors- or did I miss something and one of the adcoms said that you need more cliniccal exposure?

If you want more hands on experience maybe EMT is the way to go... that way you actually get to care for patients rather than watch someone else do it. -its more fun

Last year I got rejected from everywhere I applied, and I applied to over 20 schools. (By your criteria of "waitlists aren't rejections" maybe I don't count, b/c I had three waitlists -- but none of them came through in the end, so the end result of having to reapply was the same). My stats were a 3.4 GPA and a 36T MCAT. Working full time in a lab, with publications. EMT-B. Letters from profs I knew extremely well (had classes with AND worked for them).

So Steiner, I think I understand your frustration. I took a week or so to be pissed off after it was definite I wasn't getting in anywhere, then I got to work reapplying. Starting that AMCAS app again (and the AACOMAS too, this time) was torture. But it paid off this time. So yep, it sucks, but don't give up. I've even heard of people applying three times before they got in.
Psycho Doctor said:
I think people under-estimate the importance of volunteer work and clinical involvement...and i don't mean just having a laundry list to put on a resume. I'm referring to really getting involved and showing dedication and passion for wha tyou are doing; taking the initiative to really learn, get to know the people/patients and to want to learn all that you can. I fared far better in this admission process than I anticipated or should have. I am just an ordinary guy with no special talents, no spectacular stats, no hooks and no connections with adcoms. What probably put me over the edge was my involvement in activities that I really cared about, and where I showed commitment and dedication. I was able to express this throughout my application and on interviews and my LORs validated the same thing probably better than I did. Sometime sit's the little things that really become the important things in an application.


I was just wondering what you did that set you apart from everyone else?

I think this is a good thread.
I often offer this piece of advice to my friends who find themselves in a situation where they need to re-apply:

- Strongly consider NOT waiving the confidentiality clauses in your letters of rec, allowing you to "proof read" the very letters that get sent to adcoms. First time around, we can be trusting and hope that our profs act in our best interest, but if you have great stats and didn't get in, it's time to be more aggressive and careful. It's your future and who knows why exactly the app didn't work the first time around.
LoveDoc said:


delchrys is not a troll. He/she is a realist! That’s reality. Race can be a big predictor on this subject. I don't care who's willing to admit it or not. That’s all I'm going to say on that subject.
Mike59 said:
I often offer this piece of advice to my friends who find themselves in a situation where they need to re-apply:

- Strongly consider NOT waiving the confidentiality clauses in your letters of rec, allowing you to "proof read" the very letters that get sent to adcoms. First time around, we can be trusting and hope that our profs act in our best interest, but if you have great stats and didn't get in, it's time to be more aggressive and careful. It's your future and who knows why exactly the app didn't work the first time around.

I'm going to have to totally agree with you here. I kind of got burned in this area last year...I asked 5 profs for letters of rec, only 1 of them came through. Not only that, my letters of rec didnt get sent to the schools until the mid of Nov....Thus, i was behind almost everyone in the process.

I've gotten one new LOR from a former research prof i worked with over the summer, and i have another LOR coming from a former colleague/mentor who i worked with hopefully in 2 weeks. I didn't waive my confident. claus, checked out the first LOR (which is awesome) and the second LOR writer is allowing me to see it. This aint gonna screw me this time.
what does imho mean?
synapse said:
what does imho mean?

imho = in my humble opinion.

I'm adding myself to this thread too. 30 MCAT, and nothing. 24 schools, not even an interview. IMHO that blows.
tacrum43 said:
imho = in my humble opinion.

I'm adding myself to this thread too. 30 MCAT, and nothing. 24 schools, not even an interview. IMHO that blows.

Sorry to hear that tacrum, you should reapply this June again. Try apply early this time. You will get in somewhere.
anyone here got accepted somewhere they didn't wnat to go, so reapplied. what did the interview people asked you and what did you say on your application about that and where did you say it (in essay or something else.)

please let me know, this is very very important to me.
You can PM me if you wish.
Thank you so much.

p.s and especially if you got into a DO school, what did you say.
tacrum43 said:
imho = in my humble opinion.

I'm adding myself to this thread too. 30 MCAT, and nothing. 24 schools, not even an interview. IMHO that blows.

I think you have a good shot if you choose a different selection of schools. I think the 3.3 is really hurting you though.
Medikit said:
I think you have a good shot if you choose a different selection of schools. I think the 3.3 is really hurting you though.

I know, 3.3 sci is not very good. Still, you'd think I would have at least gotten an interview or two. I agree that a lot of the schools I applied to were long shots, but I did apply to Rosalind Franklin, Drexel and NYMC too. AMCAS comes up tomorrow. I've got lots of schools picked out, most are ones that I didn't consider for some reason last year, but I am going to this year.
Tacrum, I'm ready to apply again too. I'm getting killed from old (like >8 years old) grades that sucked my GPA down to about a 3.2. Doesn't seem quite right, considering I'm graduating with honors after completing a double science major in three years this time around. I did get into the "interview waitlist" pile at VCU, but my files weren't complete anywhere until Thanksgiving. No interviews anywhere for me either - and I have 10 years experience as a paramedic.

Reapplying again this year, adding some DO schools (after doing research on the DO philosophy I find I really really like it), and applying to a max of 16 schools total (MD and DO combined) because I just can't afford any more than that.
ShyRem said:
Tacrum, I'm ready to apply again too. I'm getting killed from old (like >8 years old) grades that sucked my GPA down to about a 3.2. Doesn't seem quite right, considering I'm graduating with honors after completing a double science major in three years this time around. I did get into the "interview waitlist" pile at VCU, but my files weren't complete anywhere until Thanksgiving. No interviews anywhere for me either - and I have 10 years experience as a paramedic.

Reapplying again this year, adding some DO schools (after doing research on the DO philosophy I find I really really like it), and applying to a max of 16 schools total (MD and DO combined) because I just can't afford any more than that.

16 schools? I'm thinking 40 (including 2-4 D.O.s). June 1. I'm going all out this year. I'm gonna get in or die tryin'. It will be expensive, but so would applying again a third time.

Also, the Masters program I'm going to (either Georgetown or Rosalind Franklin) is mega bucks either way, so what's another drop or two in the bucket?

I was on Rosalind Franklin's possible interview list for months. They've rejected me now though. Not sure why since their averages are 3.3/3.4/29, and I'm actually a little bit above that, but oh well. Maybe I'll appeal.
Hey Guys,
great thread.
So i guess my questions was, besides applying early did you guys do anything to change your application?
I applied to 34 schools but got rejected post-secondary at every single school.
But then again, my gpa sucks major a$s. i have a 2.7 and a 26 on mcats and i sent my application in late sept.
DO you think sending in my application in June would make any difference?
thanks for hte feedback
I would try to get that gpa up as well as the mcat before even thinking about re-applying...unless you're a rich masochist with a lot of free time. Even if you were complete at all schools on the first possible day, I don't think the results would be much different, unfortunately.

DrSpongebob said:
Hey Guys,
great thread.
So i guess my questions was, besides applying early did you guys do anything to change your application?
I applied to 34 schools but got rejected post-secondary at every single school.
But then again, my gpa sucks major a$s. i have a 2.7 and a 26 on mcats and i sent my application in late sept.
DO you think sending in my application in June would make any difference?
thanks for hte feedback
LadyGrey said:
Last year I got rejected from everywhere I applied, and I applied to over 20 schools. (By your criteria of "waitlists aren't rejections" maybe I don't count, b/c I had three waitlists -- but none of them came through in the end, so the end result of having to reapply was the same). My stats were a 3.4 GPA and a 36T MCAT. Working full time in a lab, with publications. EMT-B. Letters from profs I knew extremely well (had classes with AND worked for them).

So Steiner, I think I understand your frustration. I took a week or so to be pissed off after it was definite I wasn't getting in anywhere, then I got to work reapplying. Starting that AMCAS app again (and the AACOMAS too, this time) was torture. But it paid off this time. So yep, it sucks, but don't give up. I've even heard of people applying three times before they got in.

Your story scares the **** out of me; I have your stats(lower MCAT 34R) and profile and I am applying this year...
maddscientist said:
Your story scares the **** out of me; I have your stats(lower MCAT 34R) and profile and I am applying this year...

Yeah, I'm really wondering why ladygrey didn't get in anywhere, unless she only applied to top 25 type schools, had a conviction, or her essays were written poorly. I got in with a similar profile to hers, slightly better mcat, slightly worse gpa... I wouldn't say my LORS said anything like "this is the best student I've ever had", but they were decent. But, I think the odds w/ a 34 and 3.4 gpa are pretty good that you'll get in somewhere as long as the other stuff is in place.
DrSpongebob said:
Hey Guys,
great thread.
So i guess my questions was, besides applying early did you guys do anything to change your application?
I applied to 34 schools but got rejected post-secondary at every single school.
But then again, my gpa sucks major a$s. i have a 2.7 and a 26 on mcats and i sent my application in late sept.
DO you think sending in my application in June would make any difference?
thanks for hte feedback

Maybe for D.O. schools if you have a lot of great extra curriculars and show your commitment to medicine, then your numbers would be okay (being an URM wouldn't hurt either). But below 3.0 is really low and a 26 MCAT isn't helping your situation. Unless you've already done a post-bacc of some kind to help with your GPA, I don't think applying earlier will help very much. Then again, if you have something that will absolutely wow the admissions people that you've done since last year, then you might want to reapply this year.

I doubt that applying earlier will help me much either, and I'm counting on the Masters program I attend to be the thing that bumps my application up to the next level.

Sorry for my answer being so negative, but I applied earlier than you did and had better numbers and nothing. This process is very hard. It makes you (or at least me) feel like less of a person.
tacrum: Rosalind Franklin's stats are lower because they accept a lot of people from their masters program.

spongebob: You need to raise your gpa, bottom line, in a post-bacc or SMP. You can get in eventually, but the road to medical school is likely 2 years away for you, if not more. If you retook a lot of your classes and got A's in them, your AACOMAS GPA will be higher - that might be worth looking into. Otherwise your plan should be pretty clear; raise your GPA before applying again.
UCLA c/o 2004
GPA 3.5
Sci GPA 3.17
MCAT 31Q (11BS, 10VS, 10PS)
Applied to 33 schools, top to bottom
No interview invites
Self-esteem: gone
MrTee said:
Yeah, I'm really wondering why ladygrey didn't get in anywhere, unless she only applied to top 25 type schools, had a conviction, or her essays were written poorly. I got in with a similar profile to hers, slightly better mcat, slightly worse gpa... I wouldn't say my LORS said anything like "this is the best student I've ever had", but they were decent. But, I think the odds w/ a 34 and 3.4 gpa are pretty good that you'll get in somewhere as long as the other stuff is in place.

Applied to a range of schools, no convictions. I think my essay was well-written but maybe not exciting. I think the major problem was that my grades were uneven, with some craptacular science grades, esp in my senior year .
anyone here got accepted somewhere they didn't want to go, so reapplied. what did the interview people asked you and what did you say on your application about that and where did you say it (in essay or something else.)

please let me know, this is very very important to me.
You can PM me if you wish.
Thank you so much.

p.s and especially if you got into a DO school, what did you say as your REASONS for not going.
thehopeful said:
anyone here got accepted somewhere they didn't want to go, so reapplied. what did the interview people asked you and what did you say on your application about that and where did you say it (in essay or something else.)

please let me know, this is very very important to me.
You can PM me if you wish.
Thank you so much.

p.s and especially if you got into a DO school, what did you say as your REASONS for not going.

What are your reasons for not going to the school that accepted you?

If those are good reasons, then just tell them those.

If those are not good reasons, then you shouldn't be using them to turn down an acceptance.
Kazema said:
What are your reasons for not going to the school that accepted you?

If those are good reasons, then just tell them those.

If those are not good reasons, then you shouldn't be using them to turn down an acceptance.

Way to be helpful!! :thumbdown:
If there is a will, there is a way. I personally know of someone who applied to med schools three times, took MCAT three times, and ultimately got in to an MD school on the third try. It can be done if you really want it bad.

BTW, he had a 3.5-ish GPA and progressively increased MCAT scores that resulted in 28 the third time. He is not a URM.

Hope this cheers you up. :)

PS: I can't really generalize...but the third time, he applied to some schools that he didn't apply the first two times and had a better luck with it.
rugirlie said:
Way to be helpful!! :thumbdown:

Well this is a thread for people who haven't been accepted anywhere and would kill for even just one acceptance. And this guy comes in a posts about not wanting to go to a school he got into. I just gave the type of reply I thought his post deserved :rolleyes:.
Kazema said:
What are your reasons for not going to the school that accepted you?

If those are good reasons, then just tell them those.

If those are not good reasons, then you shouldn't be using them to turn down an acceptance.

i got into DO school, don't wanna go cause of all the stuff you hear.

i talked with some MD said the same thing.

and next cycle they'll ask why not DO, and i'll give them these reasons but you guys know how crazy adcoms are, i don't know if they'll beleive me or not.

those adcoms are crazy, i talked to one school and the dude read back to me what the interviewers wrote and it was like both said 180 degreees. one interviewer said i know what i'm doing and the other opposite on just about everything, and I TOLD THEM BOTH SAME STUFF.

that's why i'm worried.
what will i say to them about not acceptting DO and will they beleive me. i'll them them the turth but some may beleive me and some may not.

any thing else you guys can add for next year for me.
Kazema said:
Well this is a thread for people who haven't been accepted anywhere and would kill for even just one acceptance. And this guy comes in a posts about not wanting to go to a school he got into. I just gave the type of reply I thought his post deserved :rolleyes:.

Ok I somewhat see your point, just in terms of the location of the post though. I, however, feel for this dude because at one point, I was sure I was only getting into my state school and I knew I would be miserable there so I was trying to debate how it would look reapplying when I had already gotten an acceptance the year before. However, point taken about the appropriateness of the post in this thread specifically.
Kazema said:
tacrum: Rosalind Franklin's stats are lower because they accept a lot of people from their masters program.

spongebob: You need to raise your gpa, bottom line, in a post-bacc or SMP. You can get in eventually, but the road to medical school is likely 2 years away for you, if not more. If you retook a lot of your classes and got A's in them, your AACOMAS GPA will be higher - that might be worth looking into. Otherwise your plan should be pretty clear; raise your GPA before applying again.

I think tacrum stands a fighting chance for Osteopathic schools. A 3.26 is their national average for successful applicants.

Here's a website that contains average GPAs for all health professions.
hey guys! i just want to say that i sit on the adcoms at my school and it takes more than mcats, etc to get you in. for those who were rejected pre interview, i can't comment on that but for those post interview- the itnerview makes a huge difference. if you piss the interviewers off, are arrrogant, can't answer a question etc, things will be difficiult for you. if you have 0 clinical expereince and/or community experience, research, anything els,e that will hurt you. but mostly, i have seen many people brought down post interview becuase they interviewed horribly! on the flip side i have seen peopel with medicore score prove themseleves in the interviews and other realms i mentioned above. Also, this may lead into a different converstion but i want to say that urm applicants at my school do not get cut a break.
i'm not saying that any of the above depicts you but i just want to let you know that it isn't all about scores.

good luck you guys! :)